Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Back in the early 80s her dad, uncle, brother & cousin all worked for me, she started off as a ‘ground man’ clean up and carrying material. Worked her way up to Forman position.


Not only that, brother lol All her inside corners were coped in.


Bro!! Coping is a whole nother ball game! Time consuming and tedious! I love a good coping saw though! So worth the effort! Joints just look like they’ve grown together! Most ceiling one piece crown isn’t bad. 5 and 6 stack cabinet toppers with multi depth cabinets and turning multiple inside and outside corners of varying angles is a blast! :joy:


Ur talking my language. My dad was a contractor/cabinet builder as was I at one time. Me and my brothers grew up with a coping saw in our hands. :+1:good stuff


Yup! Very hands on! People don’t hardly craft like that anymore! When they do you pay up and up front! :joy:

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Most folks go with cheater blocks but can’t beat the way a good coped corner looks. Especially with stained trim


Ah the decorative corner blocks so any idiot can square butt a corner! Lol yup! :joy: And they still caulk or putty because they can’t figure out their compound miter saw has slipped to a 1 degree bevel with all their hurried miters! 45 this way now 45 that way! Come on folks! Check you blades square and plumb once in a while! :joy:


No corner blocking for her!
I was a contractor, also did cabinetry from scratch. She learned from me, as did our 3 sons. Residential, commercial, and industrial remodel, or ground up building.I did the estimates/sales, blueprinting, material take-off, etc turn key operation usually.
The blueprints were on residential, the commercial/industrial already had engineers do that stuff lol


I’m no master of anything! Also these days if and when I piddle I’m guilty of cutting corners and not going very crafty but people still ask for stuff occasionally. I got permission to show these pics from my buddy. He needed a spot to consolidate his stuff and work easier so I built him this thing last year. He loves it. Now I want one but I’m too tired to do it. Maybe when it cools off. Not bad for a chunk of plywood and a few hours, albeit spread over a few days cause I get hot!

I know. Pretty basic! I don’t have a fraction of my tools anymore and I rush. But I still like to piddle.
Sorry I tried to downsize! Those are still big! Lol


Very nice! I don’t do much of anything any more, other than grow Ganja!Them days are long gone in the rear view mirror

I’ll have to find a few pics of some work I did long ago, when I was still doing that stuff! lol
Corner cabinets floor to ceiling with hand made molding, back lighting, glass doors upper, etc
You’ve all seen the Turquoise carving & silver smithing I do/did for our jewelry business.


Lol! I’m getting to that point! Im very fond of AC these days!


That is awesome. I have a similar one but yours is cooler.


Yeah I actually stole the basic design and just added an interior for compartmentalization of different stuff. Also tweaked all the dimensions for his use. He was so happy not to have to roll in his lap of bent over low tables. It’s not my best work at all! But truly was and is my most loved do to his happiness and appreciation! That’s a real good dude right there! Has helped me more times than I can count!


Mine is free standing. I think it’s called a secretary desk? I dunno but I like it and it’s great for small spaces since it closes up. Lots of little pigeonholes.


Son is here cleaning the barn AC, neighbor is cutting grass for grass, lol busy round here atm, I’ll bbl or in & out occasionally
the neighbor lives other side of dry creek behind us, known him 5-6 yrs. He has a riidng lawn mower, and also uses our walk behind.
Works cheap, but good work. for trade of a bit of Ganja


I actually saw this pic online several years ago and saved it for future use. This is what I worked off of. I was happy the pic finally came in handy! :joy:

I guess I tweaked it more than I remembered! :joy:
I of course said I can build that cheaper! :joy: Nope! Not when I was done!:flushed:


That’s awesome. Mine kind of looks like this but this one is much nicer:


Great! Thanks! New picture saved! :joy: That’s very cool!:fist:t3:

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That drop-down workstation is damn cool! Nice work!!


Oooh. Show and tell. Like u guys I no longer do much of anything cept small project here and there but my younger brother still runs a cabinet shop and does custom kitchens like these. A few kitchens thru the years I could post a hundred of these lol