Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Good morning! @BigMike55
Yup you had that double whammy goin on that we spoke about! Really glad your buddy came over to confirm. With no major leaks detected, a good cleaning and a top off your unit is probably extremely happy! It’s also gonna extend its life. That refrigerant has lubricant in it for the valves or scroll in the compressor. So awesome you’re running at full capacity! Always my pleasure to help! Thanks again for the beans bro! Looking forward to seeing what’s in those shells! :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::facepunch:t3::fist:t3:🪶🪶


Two pounds? I bet the difference is night and day, lol. You cookin with gasoline now! :wink:

Good morning everyone!


I prefer: “Cooling with refrigerant!” :joy:
Good morning! @blowdout2269


And check this out. Testament to good friends. I called him at about 10 am. Told him what was up. He said “I’ll be right over”. Did not expect that. I figgered, in this heat, everybody was having a/c problems. So he comes across town and made it to my place around 10:30. Impressive!
Then when I asked how much, he said, you painted our helmets for nothing, why should I charge you for this. You owe me nothing.
As he left I slipped him $300 I know Freon is dam expensive to buy plus. Holy shit! I have to give him something, right? The sweat alone was worth 300. Was were ALL sweating like prostitutes at church recital.
Glad its over tho.


lol I’d forgotten that oldie! Ya left one line out tho brother… sweating like prostitute at church, with a hundred dollar date waiting outside. Now, that’s sweatin! lol
:scream: :joy: :crazy_face: :+1:


You’re a good dude! Very cool of you and I know it was appreciated! :heart::green_heart:
Friends and family always come first! Several times I’ve detoured on the way to a job to help someone out! Many weekends doing change outs or retros for someone. I could always find another job if called on it. Real people in your life… not as easy!
You have a good buddy there! :muscle:t3:


Well, no driving t-posts today. I decided after two that my body is telling me “no”. I’m listening this time. A little R&R is called for. It’s been all grunt work since the tractor went down. I’m not used to this crap. lol


Morning folks!


Back from the barn. Short trip this morning lol

@MoBilly sounds like a good call, brother


That’s just because ur @BigMike55 bro. :wink: good ppl helping good ppl what makes the world go round Good morning everyone. I’m a lil late to the party. Damn y’all get up early. Need coffee :coffee:


@MoBilly went to the barn… looked at things. Said nope, not today… lol turned around and came back in. Not feeling up to much this morning. Sometimes ya just gotta listen to your body, lol


lol some ain’t been to bed yet


Yeah it happens! I’m on my flower schedule. Then throw in insomnia and pain. :joy: I also nap when appropriate.


Early bird gets the worm. :sunglasses: :coffee:


…and those that screw around too long, do without.


I pulled an All-Nighter on Saturday @JohnnyPotseed, was Fun.
But Somehow it felt like I was dragging my Plug on Sunday though. Lol

“Damn, a staircase” its been a while since I did that to myself; a 25 hour day, 4 hour sleep. Just a little drool

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But lets talk Frankenstein for a minute…

We were planning for some Support of these monster Branches and Colas that are taking shape on the Topped Frankenstein…

And there was an Opportunity to SUPER-CROP a branch that had hit 12’

We took the big branch, top left and supercropped it

Frank is strong and is just exploding with forming Colas


She’s looking downright lovely there cuz!


Half the time I visit Johnny we just stand and stare lol shaking our heads ! Its too much Fun!

Was Great to see a Dozen LadyBugs between the two plants… great sight to see some defense in action…

Frank on the Left, SSDD on the right. SSDD is now almost 8’ tall for reference and it looks like she is growing a Right Shoulder @HolyAngel.
She is Getting W I D E R every day!


Beautiful bushes there

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