Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Good morning all my friends and family of OG. Gonna be a hot one today. Stay hydrated.



Morning folks! I finally got a job done yesterday that I have been dreading for over a month now. This ulcer stuff is without any doubt in my mind from the jobs I had stacked up and having to put people off, this being the biggest of them. I could not get anyone to show up for work (despite practically begging me for hours) and was seriously concerned about doing it myself… but it’s done! I have another one close in size that I’m still dreading but these two make everything else seem like a beach day. I can’t even describe how it feels to finally have this done.


How about… “It feels like I’ve been carrying a 50 lb sack of grain for weeks and finally set it down. Now I can breath”.

I used to work for a contractor and did a little on the side as well. I know the feeling. lol


Good morning fellas!


Good morning everyone


Just a few pics of the veg room, sorry the budroom is in ‘lights off’ mode, so no pics of that. Up first is the center, SkyWalker is getting tall, she goes into the budroom tomorrow, took several cuttings today to keep her going in veg. The rest of center is Frankenstein, TriForce, Monkey Business, Frosted Cobra, Buddha’s Cane.

Frosted Cobra x Frankenstein & Frosted Cobra

Couple more Frosted Cobra

Frankenstein, Alaska ThunderFuck
In the 4th pic you see some male pods, lol
We took her out of the budroom to isolate in veg room for pollen collection. That’s a TriForce

another couple ATF

6 of the plants in the middle of room go into the budroom tomorrow.
Thnx for taking the time to check out the ‘sorta update’!


I’ve left only a couple to grow natural, no topping. Just curious lol
1 Frosted Cobra and 1 Frosted Cobra x Frankenstein


I’ve been wanting to grow Alaskan thunderfuck.:green_heart:


I tried to run ATF. I think the only girl I got out of 6 seeds died. The rest were boys. They were culled. So I still have not tried the ATF smoke. I have a few magic beans left tho.


I’m going to be crossing it with some others, to be determined later. lol

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One way or another, the ATF WILL get used! lol If they turn out to be boys, they become pollen donors, if girls, they become pollen recipients!
Ideally, I get both, and repro some straight ATF beans, in addition to more crosses!
There are 4 ATF plants

@BigMike55 Did I get ATF clones from you? I have these listed as ‘clones’ but forgot to list source? Had to be from you, I think…
All i can find in my Photo seed list is Mini-ThunderFuck.

date on the ATF says, potted into 12" on 4/12, along with some God’s Space Needle. Timing is right for your last visit. I woulda got them about 2 weeks before that, and just the fact that I potted them the same time as the GSN, makes me think they were from you.


That’s a new one mine turned out to be Christmas tree phenos.I haven’t grown out a trident yet of her yet.She’s going to get nice and tall for you I got a feeling

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I did like usual and topped the heck outta 'em, cuz. lol
Oh, lol my bad! i see you were talking to @Greenfingers not to me about the ATF
But, I top pretty much everything I grow, so Frankie too! lol
I prefer more buddage to one big cola, just personal preference.


I thought he was talking to you Johnny, until I realized I put that frankenstein shot up. I have topped her too. ISS fem got topped too.


Yes. That was me. My girl, I let die. I assume yours is flowering? I can’t remember if I clipped some from each plant. I had four plants, three turned male and the one that was a girl died. Can’t remember why tho. I may have smoked some pot since then. Hehe.


Not into flower yet, still vegging. But soon

My Frankie ended up making about 4 1/2 ounces. Smallish buds. Curing right now. I have been tapping the jars, tho. Even without any cure time, the buzz is dam good. Three or four hits on the small bong and you’re lit up like a Christmas tree. Harsh right now tho.


No preflowers?

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After a good curing, she loses any harshness.