Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Same to you my brother.


Good morning fellas! And and happy birthday @MoBilly !


Good morning everyone


Thanks @Kronnkk . :slight_smile:


Well, lol a couple hours out in the ‘farm-inna-barn’ did me good, but also did me in! But it was productive! I’ve been harvesting seeds from the chopped plants (2 Frankie, 2 FrostedCobra, 1 ISS) and it looks to be a nice buncha beans.
Here’s a few pics, the 1st is 1 of the Frankies, beans just falling out of the buds as I cut them onto the paper plates.

Then I took a couple small test buds from 1 FC and 1 ISS tiny bud off each but loaded with beans!

Grabbed a pic of the boy pollen donor, starting to drop the magic dust, and collecting it!

Figured ah hell, lol toss a couple pics of the rooms also. The center of veg room is loaded

The budroom is loaded for the next pollination, also several that have been hit with dust already, still a few weeks to go on harvesting those.

A few pics of some buds with beans coming, sorry about focus.

lol now I gotta lay down for a bit and ease off on pain!
But damn! lol It feels good to be able to get back at it, if even for only a little while each day!


Happy birthday Mo, have a wonderful day.:peace_symbol:


Very nice work Johnny, those proliferous seeds and your farm-inna-barn look great!
I am curious, do you happen to have any smoke reports of your cut of the Frosted Cobra? Is your frosted cobra a clone of that frosty cut that SamBBwell grew out? I have been dying in anticipation and can’t wait to give her a try


Thank you @Greenfingers .

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Happy birthday @MoBilly i hope you have a great day!

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@MoBilly happy birthday man, hope you have a good one :v:

Gave the outside ladies haircuts last night. Found a bag of lst clips I was given by a buddy decided to put em to work on my outside Frankenstein gal. Wish I had more to hit the others


Sam is in Spain cuz, no clones shipped from there to here. These are from seeds I traded him for some jewelry I made for his wife.
No smoke report yet, but even then it won’t be as potent since I pollinated any FC I flowered out.
I only wanted the FC seeds for crosses.
I see I neglected to say what the latest batch of girls was pollinated with. My bad folks! I hit 2 Frankie, 2 Frosted Cobra, and 1 Island Sweet Skunk with a badass Frosted Cobra boy! So in addition to Fem seeds from another FC I hit with fem Frankie dust, I now have Frankenstein x FC, F2 FC x FC, and ISS x FC. All regular.

Also, most of the center of veg room is newer plants. I flipped 8 from the last update a few days ago.
2 Frankie, 2 Buddha’s Cane, 2 TriForce, 1 SkyWalker, 1 Frosted Cobra
@BigMike55 lol that SW was getting just too big for her britches! I did take a few more cuttings before I flipped her though!


Her momma is a beast.


Like I told ya earlier this year, when you gave me the cutting of her. lol I regretted culling her from my ‘growing list’ after. lol So I’ll be keeping at least one of her going for some time to come.


I am so damn stiff and sore… it’s great! lol Rose is happy to see me back into the grow on a daily basis now too!
Today makes 3 days in a row I’ve been able to spend a couple hours each day out there.

Unlike you @MoBilly…( :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) I know my limits! lol I know I didn’t get into this bad shape overnight. It’s not gonna happen overnight me getting BACK into any form of decent shape overnight, either! Slow and steady…


When I harvested Gwendolyn (my plant’s mom) I think I may have harvested a tad early. I would let her go a full 10 weeks if I could do it over. She smoked good and all but I think an extra week woulda put her over the top. She also performed much better after a few weeks in the jar.
She’s a keeper tho.


I’d had SW in my mothers for a few years. but when we retired from commercial growing, I had mothers of 52 strains and HAD to thin it down to legal limits for med card holders. (2 of us) She was one I culled.


btw the first FC I grew out (and hit with fem Frankie dust) was some damn fine smoke/buzz, even after being pollinated.


Right on! Thank you Johnny. I missed that Sam was in Spain :sweat_smile: My fingers will remain crossed for it to be a great plant!


I don’t think you’ll regret growing this one out cuz. lol


Late to the party today! Good afternoon @JohnnyPotseed! Good afternoon OG! Good afternoon O.G. ! Happy Saturday Y’all! And a Happy Happy Birthday to you! @MoBilly