Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Good luck!


Maybe there is something to be said for those damn screens

Thnx! lol
Outta likes so hitting the Emoji like-bank


Think about that again brother. I’d at least have Rose bring that walker along for a “just in case” situation.
No falls today man. Okay?
Makes me happy to hear that you feel froggy though!


That’s exactly the plan, brother! once I get to the bottom of the ramp… I’ll know lol
:heart: :+1:

Today will be 4 days in a row I make it to the barn and manage to get some work done, even if only for a couple hours! And sitting mostly, lol


I’m heading out now to get some fencing done before it gets to hot.
Catch up with you guys later.


Oh man. you need to be the one to take it easy!
We broke heat records here yesterday with 94 and heat index around 100
Mid to upper 70s already

thermometer says 76F


You better believe that is the plan.


:heart: :heart: :wink: :+1:

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Morning brothers. Gonna be a scorcher today. You guys stay hydrated. A little extra salt would not be a bad idea. Salt comes out of your body with sweat and needs to be replenished
Have a good and safe day.


Thnx brother, you as well! These temps ain’t nothing to play with.

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I’m thinking there’s a lot of folks rooting for you, wishing you well. Count me among them.


I went up to Tulsa to visit @JohnnyPotseed and @Oldjoints and when I saw Johnny get up (with walker) and go to the barn to show his garden, that made me happy. You could not peel the smile from my face with a crowbar. I really hope things are getting a bit better for him. He is truly a one of a kind great guy.


Thnx, my friend. I do appreciate folks support! It’s been over a year of almost total inactivity. I know this is a marathon, it ain’t a race. I’m going slow, working with some resistance bands, moving around inside with just my cane, etc


:blush: lol

Thnx brother. Folks take being able to move for granted, as they should. But lose that movement, and wow things sure do seem dark! I just never was one of those ‘roll over-n-play-dead’ type guys lol I always said ‘when’ not ‘if’ I can move better again. lol
Let me ‘fact-check’ that, lol I mighta said ‘if’ a few times in the darker times, but in my heart I always knew there isn’t any way in hell that I wasn’t gonna at least try!

lol Mainly because, in my mind, I’m friggin Peter Pan! Just hiding behind this ol man facade! lol


What I’ve been able to discern in observing the interactions here, and from the bits that are revealed of what one may say is the collective character of you OGers, is that this is a fine bunch of folks. I mean this in the nicest way, but there’s a real sweetness to how you guys display your obvious regard and even affection for one another in your Good Mornings.
When I was a kid, there was a hardware store where the old timers would sit around a barrel with a checker board. This forum reminds me of that somehow. Only you guys are a really unique and interesting bunch and the ties that initially draws community is the plant we love. It’s all very cool to these eyes.


Good morning OG :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Stay hydrated folks!


I gotta wait an hour for likes lol so here ya go brother!
:heart: :heart: :heart:


This site is based on what I’ve been doing all my life! So it was as natural as coming home to me.
Been planting and sharing ganja for so many decades, I can’t imagine any other way to live. lol

edit… Nor do I want to! :wink: :+1:


That’s sorta the thing: quality of the people determines the quality of the interactions. In my life experience, cannabis outlaws were always some of the best people I ever knew. Now that the laws are changing and the corporations are taking over cannabis industry, those cannabis outlaws remain the same good folks. Nice to meet y’all!