Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

@BigMike55 Your DBHP cross I have isn’t too shabby outdoors either.Lost a branch in a wind storm but that spot filled out and that plant is a monster right now.Always wanted to run Zamaledelica out here never could that flowering time is huge you lucky duck.You can really see the Frankie come out in the frame.Very different smell .


We (the band) were asked to play at a 4th celebration today. “Great, no problem” I said. We show up and begin setting up and I ask “Where are the other bands?”. “You’re it” was my answer! So SEVEN hours of picking has my blasted fingers on fire! Seven hours of singing has my voice sounding much like Joe Cocker with a sore throat right now as well. But I wouldn’t have missed that celebration even had they told me we were the only band playing.
It was an absolute party! The church ladies put on a feed and the guys fried enough Crappie to feed an army!
I am beat, but I also feel so good about the state of that cowboy church. There were a lot of young folks there. That, my friends, was a great sign that the church is strong.
Today was a good day.


Holy hell, what a set! Y’all take like twelve intermissions? :grin:

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We took one 45 minute break to eat and a couple of bathroom breaks. That was all for me. The guys went to the john when they needed and came back to the music afterwards.

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I don’t think I’ve played 7 hours over my entire life. Hehe. Well maybe a little bit more.

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It’s been years since I played that much in one day. We played four hours last night at moms home just because it was practice night and we were having a good time and didn’t want to stop.


Wow, buncha troopers you are.
“You’re it” That’s funny.
What was your first thought?

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My first thought was that my lead guitar picker is 80 years old and had one of his kidneys removed about a month and a half ago. I went straight to his wife and told her to watch him like a hawk and if he starts to struggle I’d find a reason to quit playing. He never lost a step though. That man has been playing in bands since he was 15 years old. There was no way he wouldn’t stick it out till the end so we watched him closely.


Pretty falking cool @MoBilly


That’s an OG picker right there!


Yeah, Ron is one tough old man. That’s a fact. lol

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Good Night OG!


Goodnight Johnny. Goodnight OG’s!


Night bud.


Lucky man to have a friend like you @MoBilly .

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Good morning @JohnnyPotseed & the Smokin’ OGs!


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @CanuckistanPete and the rest of ya too!
Working today so normal routine here, smoking a doobie and drinking coffee.
Have a great day y’all!


Good morning! @JohnnyPotseed @CanuckistanPete @buck90
Good morning! OG’s


Good Morning :coffee: :sunglasses: @JohnnyPotseed @CanuckistanPete @buck90 @NDNCHILD
Likes one thing, Please come back in 6 hours lol


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. Damn Mo. sounds like you had a good time. That’s alot of picking and grinning. :peace_symbol: