Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

I’ll help keep you busy Brother !
Your making my day already

“Flea on a hot brick” lol

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lol read my edit above ya! :scream: :rofl: :crazy_face: :wink: :+1:

lol yep… now THAT’S ‘busy’!

Almost as busy as @MoBilly fingers were, yesterday! lol

I say ‘almost’ because there is no way I could put in that many hours… yet!

edit… (one more! lol ) There was a time, I’d spend all day, every day, playing with my girls! Heck, lol Rose even went so far as to tell me to just put a damn bed in the grow!

Now that’s what I’m shooting for! lol


Right now, I have crosses going , to be harvested in the near future, of
Pollinated PBB (fem Frankie dust)
Pollinated 1 Monkey Business (Blue Kush reg)
Pollinated 1 PBB (Island Sweet Skunk Fem)
pollinated 1 PBB (PPP)
pollinated 2, ISS, TriForce (BOG Sour Bubble regular)
Got a few ready for the dust coming from @DougDawson to hit with also lol

They should be almost perfect timing. I flipped 8 more (5 strains) plants on 6/23
1 SkyWalker, 1 Frosted Cobra, 2 Frankie, 2 Buddha’s Cane, 2 Tri Force


posted this pic a few days ago of the budroom where the new additions are relaxing, waiting for the magic dust! lol


Wow, keeping REAL busy, nice work.


Oh heck, cuz. lol I’m like a long ol loaded freight train, takes awhile to pick up speed, but becomes a juggernaut!
I’ve been making it out to the ‘farm-inna-barn’ now for a bit, every day . Going on a couple weeks now!
Ain’t touchedthat roll-around walker in over a week, lol


:steam_locomotive: haha. That’s great, I’m sure its good to be where you love to be!


BTW @Slammedsonoma420 how’s them Frankie gals doing I sent you awhile back?
The cuttings

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that is wonderful to hear! i hope everything keeps moving in a positive direction!
edit: frankie is amazing. shes the one that has whiteflies right now unfortunatelly. shes about 35 days in so far(second run). some of the most amazing flower i have smoked. when i first started smoking it, man frankie will take away your words! literally. i will need to grab some more cuts come cooler weather.


lol Glad you liked her! She’s one to love, for sure! lol
Try some of that MTA mix to get them whiteflies
I think this was discussed on the MTA thread, you’ll need a double-pronged attack. The mix will take out the eggs,larvae, nymphs, but them that are flying around will need something like flystrips

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i used it twice in 24hrs. now im giving them a break until tonight which is 72hrs. the first spray i noticed a bunch flying around when i hit them with it. so the next day i sprayed again, and noticed a bit less. reading up on them it looks to be about a 3 week life cycle so im hoping in a week or so they will be mostly under control. im using the sticky traps as well like you suggested and they have caught some as well. thank you again for all your suggestions.


Always glad to try helping a fellow grower!


i know exactly how i got them. chocolate habanero peppers on the balcony have whitefly, with all these crazy rain storms we get i have to move the pot, the gutter dumps onto that plant. when i moved im sure i got some on my arms and brough them inside like an idiot. wont be doing that again!


Oh, if you look at that pic in close up. You’ll see the MB in the far left upper corner. That’s the one I chopped a few days ago. You can see how the buds are tight looking nugs

lol I fimmed it, a lot! so no big colas but a heckuva lotta nugs!
Plus, being pollinated and working more on producing beans, there wouldn’t be big colas anyhow. lol


looks great, she stayed a little shorter than the rest it looks like. i still have a bit of that mb pollen left and have another mb going now(different seed from breeders pack), im hoping the pollen is still viable and ill get some mb#1 x mb#2 seeds heading your way, if all goes to plan. maybe some useful gear as well. run just started so we will see how things progress.


Well that’s good to hear! lol Good luck!

lol like I said… I fimmed the heck outta her!
She bushed… rather than shooting up, she went outwards, lol


thank you, the last pollination didnt go so well. i reversed a black triangle plant and let her self pollinate, when i went to shuck the seeds they were all sprouted! dang 100% humidity killed 90% of them.
edit: outside

Oh man! I can’t like thatun, brother! Damn tough luck!

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teach me to try and get them to mature outside. maybe in the winter time, but i still wouldnt chance it down here.

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That’s a bummer! @Slammedsonoma420

Good morning @JohnnyPotseed