Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

you win some you lose some, just glad to learn from my mistakes. i hate to make them but like to learn as much as i can.


Gotta get out to the farm, lol bbl cyas


good luck, enjoy and relax.

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Say howdy to the girls for me. :slight_smile:


Good morning everyone. Good coffee this morning :joy:


Good morning OG!


I’m like the proverbial ‘bad penny’ lol always showing back up! :rofl: :+1:


The barn is in great shape I presume? :slight_smile:


It’s growing along, like it’s supposed to lol I’ll go back n grab a pic, in a minute. I had to come back in for a bathroom break, and a smoke, lol… Also till I ease off a bit. But still have a couple things to do out there.


It sounds like you are building up steam bro.


Ok, lol Back…again! Only had a couple things left to do. Grabbed a couple more pics also while out there.
Up first is the center of the veg room, where my mothers are relaxing under their ‘sun’…
Two pics, taken from front and back of the group

the CSK (Kristi cut) survivor from @Tracker.

The Tri Force pollen donor, doing it’s thang!

The budroom as the lights are on the way out

some cuttings, future mother/buddage! lol
3 SkyWallker and 3 Frankenstein

and last, but not least! A germ test on a secret cross we’ve been working on.

My favorite method of germinating beans, of course, lol
As I’ve said, you can use this method on just a few beans or hundreds, no matter.This is a 4-way cross we’re calling ‘Thunder Rose’ made up of Strawberry Alien Moonrocks, Cindy-99, Frankenstein, and King Tut…
This last was the biggest reason for my going back out there, lol I had to get em started in the EWC
We used a jar lid, with a bit of EWC wet down good. Then placed a red solo cup over em. lol


Barn is looking good Rose has them all green and happy .


lol Couldn’t wait to ease off’… lit a doobie and went on back out! Had to get them beans into the EWC! This is something we’ve been working on for over a year now, but didn’t want to spoil our luck by talking about it too premature. That 4-way cross has Rose’s name all over it, since she did most of the work tending the crosses it’s made of. Also why we named it after her! lol
Thunder Rose is a combination of
Strawberry Alien Moonrocks, Cindy-99, Frankenstein, and King Tut…


I’d run some thunder rose :rose: in honour of her great gardening skills.


We’re going to run these out and see just how they do, before we turn any beans loose.


Good evening y’all!
Sounds like an amazing cross Johnny, y’all are always dropping some new heat. Cool that you run them too.
Was gonna chill outside but the neighbor is burning trash :face_vomiting: so just went to bed. F’ it.


I have/keep seeds of every cross we make, cuz. lol I run em as I can get to em, a lot of the time. but, I don’t just make seeds to sell, lol we make crosses WE want, and offer them up. If folks want em, fine, if folks don’t want em, fine! lol
Not trying to sound ‘callous’ about it, but I’m just doing what I’ve loved doing my whole life. Never sold beans before coming back to Oklahoma, always passed em out.
Circumstances forced our hands on that, this time though. What with all our medical issues, there was a need for money. The beans have helped us tremendously in that respect.


I love the way you think. You breed for what YOU want to smoke. Many breed for money and just try making as many crosses as they can to sell. And you being one of the Elder Statesman of the community are someone that others look up to as far as strain selection and breeding. We know what you produce. With your experience we all know that you know GOOD GANJA.


We do a lot of crosses, this is true. But, we do it primarily because we like a variety to choose from, different times of the day/days.

This an old pic, but you get the idea, lol
Every jar is a different strain. As we smoke em down, we change out to smaller jars.