Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

We’ll all be awaiting the smoke I mean taste report! :joy:


Rose said to tell yas, she had nothing to do with my taking them pics! It was all my idea to tease yas! lmao
But in all fairness, @NDNCHILD … lol you started this with that pic of the cherry cheesecake! I LOVE cherry cheesecake! :drooling_face: :+1:


I’ll take the blame! As long as we all eat! :rofl:


So now you gotta chose what smoke you have on hand that you know will give you intense munchies! Great food only tastes better with a case of the munchies.

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lol Ok… how’s this? I’ll give each of yas a ‘virtual’ piece of this… less calories! :rofl: :drooling_face: :+1:

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Oh we BEEN smoking all evening, my friend! lol Our fav is to pick 4-5 strains and blend em (with Frankie being the primary, of course!)


Dibs please! Crap wrong thread! Where’s that smell-o-vision they keep promising!?

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It’s called ‘scratch-n-sniff’ I think? lol That brings bad thoughts to my mind!

What’s that line in some old movie…‘smell my fingers’?

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Goodnight everyone. Early morning coming.


Where’s Slick ?:joy::joy:


Goodnight! @MoBilly Rest well!

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Oh trust me brother, lol the @Slick1 ain’t got nuttin on me! I just keep the thoughts to myself, trying to stay halfass PC lol
Rose always said for my mind to ‘be in the gutter’ would be an uplifting experience! I think she means my mind is in the sewer!


Sleep well, a well earned rest, I’m sure!

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Lol! Yeah I try and keep it fairly Pink Chicken too! Never know who’s watchin’!

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lol The whole world can see whatever is posted (except DMs) just by googling OG. But… in the words of someone, somewhere… DILLIGAF?

lol Well actually, I do try to keep things said halfway under control. Simply because of that fact.


Could not wait for it to cool off! lol Gotta blow on it even with the ice cream cooling it off somewhat!


Hopefully any outsiders looking in will know it’s all in good fun! :heart::heart::green_heart::green_heart: I may go completely non PC if my like button doesn’t come back though! :joy:

Yup! That looks about right! Enjoy! Great work Rose!

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WOOOOHOOOO I scarfed that down, non-stop. lol Until it wasn’t there no mo!

edit… it was a race, I tell ya! I had to eat fast to get ahead of the ice cream melting! lol

yeah… that’s it! (That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!)


Yeah nice story! Work on the delivery. You almost had me! :joy: