Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Now there’s something I’ve often thought about! A home built into a hillside, thermal heating, solar energy. But never got rich enough to follow up, lol

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And now a person has to be well off to think about building one. I wish I had a good cave on the place. I think I told you about my friend that built into the front of a nice HUGE cave. He did a lot of work in that cave. He built rooms and rooms and more using concrete… It was amazing. The home looked normal enough from outside, just like any other house built up against this steep hillside. A hidden door in the back opened up into the cave. That cave has a small underground river flowing through the deepest parts.
Truly amazing.


Oh man! lol now there’s a place to have, most definitely!

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Nice plant there.

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So he built a real life Hobbit hole……lucky bastard gets to live in Bag end just in a cave.I always wanted a perfectly round door with a shiny brass doorknob right in the middle with my pipe rack right next to the mud room


My buddy Jeff introduced us way back in the 80’s. This guy was a legend around here. He used to grow weed but couldn’t keep all that money in the bank so he put it into his home. The house looked plain enough but inside there were double stairs that wrapped around each side of the living room that was made of solid 2" walnut planks… They had a greenhouse right on the side of the kitchen… that kind of stuff.
I know for a fact that the cave went into the hill at least 1/4 mile. Then ends up at the underground river.


I always wanted that as well. lol
There and Back Again was one of the books that got me hooked on literature.


That Book and the 3 following it with the Silmarillion and even his Tom Bombidil poems are some of the finest shining examples of what a beautiful imagination could accomplish.I don’t think we will ever see that again in our lifetime Tolkien was a master of his craft .I recommend those books to anyone big or small or even round in the middle like me ha.


I had a first edition Red Book that my ex-wife burned along with 80% of my stuff. I also had the 1977 hard cover printing of Silmarillion and other great works. She hated that I “always had my nose in a book”. When she wanted to hurt, she burned my collection. That was about a week before I divorced the #_&-+()¢€¥∆§!!!


If it’s the one I’m thinking about it had all those cool still pictures of scenes from the story real nice artwork shame it was burned.Some people just want to watch the world burn I swear.

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That was the one @CapnCannabis . The first printing didn’t have all the pictures. It would have been worth a lot more now than the illustrated printing. I had an impressive library at that time. I could post for hours about the different books that were in that collection. I developed a love of reading due to the encouragement of my dad. He was a very smart man and when he saw my interest in horses and the lifestyle that went along with owning them, he bought me the entire works of Louis Dearborn LaMoore (or L’Amour for the French spelling :wink: ). I became an avid reader and terrible writer of novels soon after. lol


Good Night OG!
Cyas tomorrow!


Welp, playing catch up again. Been a helluva start to this work week. Grr…
Looks like I missed a bday and some cobbler!
A late happy borntday to ya @NDNCHILD. :partying_face:
@JohnnyPotseed, mmm looks like I’ll be making peach cobbler soon. You have officially set off a craving, lol.
Good morning and goodnight fella’s! :slightly_smiling_face:


My dad a WWII vet, had a huge box of L’Amour paperbacks. I donated them where they went to a vets hospital. They were read till they turned to dust.


Good night


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. What day is it🐪


You know what day it is!!! :rofl: Good morning! @Greenfingers Good morning Johnny! Good morning OG’s!


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @Greenfingers @NDNCHILD and the rest of the morning crew when they wake up
Have a wonderful Wednesday y’all


Good morning! @buck90 Pete should be along any minute. :smiley: Good morning! @CanuckistanPete


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @Greenfingers @buck90 & @NDNCHILD (like clockwork, right?) & OG.
