Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Good morning @CanuckistanPete
Carlton was just about to get into his dance and it started over! :joy:


Good Morning OG!


Morning everyone.
I had a weird experience the other day.
I was in Best Buy, killing time. This guy walks up to me. He is very dirty and kinda looks like a homeless person. He says, Hi Mike. I said, Do you know me? I guess you do since you know my name. I don’t remember you tho. He kinda looked disgusted and shrugged me off. I asked him if we worked together or rode motorcycles together. He just walked away. I have been wracking my brain tryna figger out who the hell that was. Weird.
Have a good day peeps.


Morning folks!


Good morning everyone!
@BigMike55 ,
That does sound weird. I’d be wracking my brain for days! lol
A long time ago I walked into a doughnut shop with a smartass friend. The young lady working behind the counter had her back turned toward us and she had a leather belt with her name on it. When she turned around, my friend called her by her name and acted as if he was thrilled to see her again “after all these years”! He had her all messed up trying to place his face in her memory. That guy never told her how he knew her name. When we walked out I told him he was an ass.
But I still laughed when we got in the truck. lol


She probably figured it out when she took off her belt! lol But funny, yep.


Heading to the barn… late-ish but OFW lol bbl


I used to like going to the store and seeing a person’s name tag then go the next aisle over and call out their name. They look around for who is calling them. When the resume their chores, yell their name again. They will think they are losing their minds.


Good morning everyone


Beautiful! I grew up next to Chollas lake/College Grove shopping center but the rents live in Alpine nowadays.

:joy: Threads are limited to 5000 posts, so every time the 5000 post limit is reached in a thread a new thread is created automagically :v:


Small correction there, cuz.
A ‘new thread’ isn’t created, just the next ‘Part’ of that thread. Like this thread is on Part 5


I hate when the internet provider has issues! lol Every site (including this) is slow loading, or not loading. I called and it’s not me (thank goodness!) The storm last night apparently has limbs and such all over lines, etc. They’re working on it, lol
So I reckon now that I finally have this site back up, I’ll just leave it connected until further notice!
:scream: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :wink: :+1:

Even when I post here, it takes awhile to show, lol


:flushed: Oops, correct! :sweat_smile: I had mistakenly referred to the new topic as a thread. Thanks for catching that! :v:

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Even the Cuttings of of Frankie are always taller than anything else I’m almost sweating thinking about what the hell they are going to do inside these things have more stretch than a Stretch armstrong figure I have a feeling I’m going to have to stop at 3 feet and flip on these they are only three weeks from being hardened off and I already have over 8 inches of growthimage


You can do anything to em to help that problem, cuz. Top em, fim em, lollypop etc… or all of the above. lol You can keep em low n bushy or even take off every other branch after doing that. She takes well to any training and shows the love.
Almost impossible to stress her.

edit… Over the years, I’ve tried many times to stress Frankie. Doing all sorts of unimaginable stuff, to no avail. She just takes a licking and keeps on ticking. lol The ‘Timex’ of Ganja!
SO, ‘lay on, MacDuff’! Do your worst, she’ll just laugh and show ya the love!


Internet is usually ok here but when it has issues it just doesn’t slow down, it goes completely out for a spell. Longest has been 6 hours. That’s not too shabby. I am usually notified of the fact by the wife that Netflix is out.
Had a shower come thru so it’s nice sitting outside for a bit. Birds are chirping, dog is sitting, I’m smoking and about to tap out.


It wasn’t much trouble here, only lasted an hour or so, then was back doing proper, lol.
Got more storms coming tonight here also, look forward to the rain cooling things off some!


Damn! This is the first we’ve had the AC off in awhile, lol. Sitting here getting high…er, listening to the rain come down (hard) with a great breeze. Both doors open for airflow.
Really nice!


When you’re done with her could you send the rain my way? I have a few questions for her. Thanks in advance! :fist:t3:


This is turning into one serious thunderstorm. Big rolling thunder and lightening with rain coming down, in sheets so hard you can’t see more than maybe 100’

Weather report says 50-60 mph winds, with large hail in spots
lol they just interrupted regular TV for this broadcast, letting us know what we see is real, maybe? lol

I mean, lol I’m high as hell, but don’t think I’m so high I’m hallucinating…