Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

No no. Don’t try and scare me into letting you have her to yourself. If you insist on keeping her overnight please relay a few messages :

  1. Where have you been? I’ve been worried!
  2. You don’t write. You don’t call. Is everything Ok?
  3. Do you now like Johnny more than me? Y/N
  4. Will I ever see you again?

Seriously though. Stay safe. Hope everything is battened down that needs to be. If everything is cool… I’m glad you’re getting a cool
Down and some sky water!


It’s times like this I wish we still had rain barrels for collection!

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No kidding right. I still take 5 gallon buckets out and use for humidifiers and watering when I can!
You said wind made an appearance? Ask that asshole where my black bucket is. I know he took it!

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lol wind can be mischievous at times.

Yes sir. I don’t know why he took my bucket. I know he has plenty of stuff. I’ve seen him on several occasions scoop stuff up by the armload while living on the Gulf Coast. :dash: And Cen Tex​:tornado:. :rofl:that’s the worst tornado emoji I’ve ever seen!

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:tornado: It worked for me. I think you didn’t leave a space before the first colon, after ‘tex’
The site has quirks that takes getting used to, lol

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Check out star link pretty impressive internet speeds.

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I’m good, thnx. I get house phone, internet and cable, all one local provider, at a good price. A co-op.

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Yeah that’s what I was goin’ for! :tornado:

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I’m going offline now.
Good Night OG!

Rest well people


Game going on in the seeds and clones thread, for some magical :mage:‍♂ beans 🫘

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Good night Johnny! Rest well!

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Good Saturday morning Johnny, good morning OG’s.:peace_symbol:


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @Greenfingers
Happy Saturday!!!
Morning all!


Good Morning OG!


Good morning everyone.


Morning people. It’s another week in the books. You folks stay hydrated in this heat wave. No point in pushing our luck, right?


Hey man how are you doing?

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About as good as it gets, thnx for asking.


Got something you might be interested in

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