Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

What’s up?
let’s go to DM please

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Morning y’all. :slightly_smiling_face:
Off to the garden before it gets to hot!


Good morning all you knuckleheads!


Morning fuckos!


That’s me! That’s me!

Good morning @Slick1


You should go look at my tree. At the ground, I can’t get my fingers all the way around the stump. About 9 feet tall. Go have a look-see.


A couple pics from this morning. We up-potted the 8 Thunder Rose, after all 8 germinated (good rate! lol). All are doing good.

The SkyWalker clone is also coming along fine, last pot on the right.
A couple Coral Kush, and the Crystal Skull Kush from @Tracker

Had to chop the PBB I hit with Frankie pollen from @MoBilly , she was starting to die back hard. Also took down a couple of Monkey Business. They’re all 3 hanging in the drying/curing room…

Now there’s room in the budroom to put some more in. Thinking I’ll flip a couple of the Alaska ThunderFucks, and a couple more TriForce, maybe 1 or 2 more of others. lol


Good Morning :sunglasses: :coffee:
Stay hydrated folks, Its wicked out.


Good afternoon! @JohnnyPotseed Good afternoon! OG’s Good afternoon! Circus dwellers! I guess my batteries needed a recharge! I’m alive now! :facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:


Have you determined sex on that ATF yet?


Who’s ATF? ACC?

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Nope, I find out when I stick em into the budroom. I don’t worry about m/f because I need pollen also. lol

No idea, lol Can’t find who I got em from. Had a good while though, so finally ran em
Hoping for at least 1 male.
Have 3 in veg room center

damn no idea why I hit ‘5’ instead of ‘3’ lol I have 3 in veg, very nice looking, in the center group


The plan is, (IF I get a boy, lol) to make more beans, as well as a cross or 2… I might leave one gal to go and see how it turns out
Haven’t really decided yet

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Hopefully you get a male! Keep us updated I am very interested. I bought a pack of MTF from acc and sent to someone here to repro. Seen the plants finish but never seen the seeds :disappointed: it was a massive disappointment because I wanted to run them. I knew I should’ve just did the run myself when I had time.
Oh well tho it happens, if it all goes good I will be in line for a pack of those!


Damn cuz, that sux
fingers crossed on a boy lol :crossed_fingers:

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Yeah, it’s happened a few times in the same year lol. I’m definitely interested in seeing how those go :grinning:

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Well as you can see in the pic of center (veg room) they’re nice sized, healthy and happy…ready to go into the budroom any time
notes say they went into veg a few months ago, I popped the beans in early May
So they’re about 4 months old

oops my bad, lol I see by notes it was mid May not early May

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Are they still active here and just sorry folk? Or have dropped off OG like something may have happened? @Kushking902


Pretty sure active but not a super active poster. They received my address a couple times. Maybe they just forgot. I don’t like chasing people lol