Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

OH crap! lol I couldn’t for the life of me figure where I’d gotten them ATF! All I had was the strain listed in my notes… somehow ‘BigMike’ didn’t get saved when I closed out the list!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :+1:
Thnx for the reminder brother! Now the list is straightened out! lol


I shoot out a couple of ‘likes’ and get this now! Dammit, lol looks like it’s time to go hit the Emoji like-bank! lol

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I raised this Frankenstein to an elevated position above her peers and have been sitting in front of her showing the pics of your buds, @MoBilly. I’ve coined a little mantra and been chanting to her: “Be like MoBilly’s buds, your relations”. She chants in response, “I think I can, I think I can.” And then asks me to read her a story about a little Choo Choo train.
Young-uns . . . You know how they are.

I will print a pic of your bud and hang it from her branch, like a Christmas ornament. You know, subliminal messaging to penetrate her subconscious.
Beautiful flower, brother. Good inspiration!


No big thing to me man. Ii was just thinking out loud. Plus I might been in the middle of a fine wake and bake.


Thinking out loud helped me remember! lol

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Thanks Butterthief1959. :pray:t3:

And about yours, isn’t she the beauty! Much good luck with her. :+1:t4: Every Frankenstein I’ve grown has been an easy keeper. Hungry but hardy.


@Alaskagrown was passing out ATF seeds last year possibly from him? That where mine came from.

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I meant to say earlier but smoked something instead. lol
Thanks man. She is putting on the show for sure. I have never been so eager to get to try something I’ve grown out!


naw, we found the source, cuz. lol They came from @BigMike55 as clones


I am excited to hear a smoke report once you have dried a nugg! I have two Frankie clones running. … one indoors and one outdoors… I can’t wait for that monster to finish and have a taste


You will hear it. :slight_smile: asap


The longer the cure, the better the smoke

lol but that’s the way it is with any Ganja!

edit… EXCEPT lol maybe that stuff they found in the Chinese emperor tomb!
I heard they’d tried germinating the seeds… wonder how that ever turned out?

Says they’ve found cannabis remnants dating back over 6600 yrs lol

of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, discovered 13 marijuana plants that were still largely intact, if yellowed and desiccated after millennia underground

that was in 2016


lol pardon my going off on a tangent here, but yas know how it is when ya stoned AF! lol The topics get sidetracked easily

um…what were we talking about? :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:

OH YEAH lol a smoke report

Well… we’re smoking Frankie at the moment, lol so maybe that explain’s my going off topic


Hey hey! Look at me liking and posting again and stuff! The site being wonky is kinda painful for me! :rofl: I’m back baby!…. For now. :joy: everybody showing off beautiful JP babies! Excitedly waiting on my young ones to get some size on them! They probably heard from the others I like to bend and break stuff. Hope their not scared! :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart:


Mine actually came through a group buy I was involved in. The seeds came from Master Thai.
So, yeah, @JohnnyPotseed has Master Thai ATF genetics.


Thnx for the info, brother. Noted!


Nicely done @MoBilly she is looking great :fire:
And yours is going to be awesome @Butterthief1959 I’m digging the structure

Evening all - just finished up replacing the voltage regulator on the mower. Then I saw a video where it may be a common problem for this engine and the fix is to relocate it further away from the engine so it doesn’t catch as much heat. I dunno. If it happens again I will mod it.


I have read the recent scientific study that concluded people liked unflushed weed better and tried not flushing a part of my last batch, but damn if my unflushed nuggs don’t taste like shiite, whereas the nuggs I flushed 19 days are already “cured” tasting. Oh well… my mileage varied :sweat_smile:


I don’t follow the ‘norm’ unless some part fits into my own methods. Even then I adapt what I want of anything. I’ve done the same as you, over the years, now-n-then, smoking unflushed Ganja, lol you do what ya gotta do sometimes. But as a general rule, if I had time and more to smoke…I always ‘flushed’ my bud. Best method is to stop giving nutrients at least a week before harvesting, using only Ph’d water,.both foliar and soil drench.


I agree, whole-heartedly and over the years have had similar experiences :sweat_smile: A long time ago I did lots of personal testing and settled for 19 days of flushing. I found that, in my personal hydro setup, it took 16 days before there was any change in the taste so thatI considered day 17 as basically a “first” day of actually flushing the plant: Based upon that, to me, 19 days of flushing hydro seemed to equate to only 3 days of noticeable taste difference. But over the years people would smoke my barely dry nuggs and co.plimwnt me on how well cured they were so I was doing something… if not “right”, different.