Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

That rooster was at the last place we lived. He got into our yard and my Pit-boy ate him. lol

That hour n half flew by, lol but I sure as hell feel like it was 10hrs! :rofl: :+1:


@Butterthief1959 I always suggest training for Frankie
With just nominal care, she can get rather unruly

But if ya pump her, she can be a beast lol


“Spare the rod”, :joy:. I cut her back hard — just to show her what time it is. She said, oh yeah, then how ‘ bout THIS!
We have a bit of a power struggle going on. I love it!


These things eat Nitrogen like thier starving beware


Just a quick good morning before I’m off again to another Dr appointment. Oh the joy…


Go back over my threads, cuz lol I’ve always said she loves Nitrogen, bigtime!
Actually, @CapnCannabis I believe I told you this too.


Hush lol I got another Dr appt coming up next week… oh the joy, indeed! lol
Good Luck!

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Y’all just don’t know how great it makes me feel. I mean ‘warms the heart’ feel! To see so many folks growing Frankenstein and loving her performance & smoke. I don’t know of anyone that has had a negative thing to say.

But then, lol that’s also why I personally have been growing her (and smoking daily) for soooo many years! :crazy_face: :joy: :+1:


It’s fun, this OG life. I get to treat referred to threads on the subject sorta like an in-the-know operator’s manual. I enjoy seeing my experiential observations correlating with your advise.
Btw, hello and have a good day,@MoBillly.


Thnx brother, I try not to hand out BS advice. If I don’t know about something, I’ll be the first to say so and ask, lol
I’m not the know-all repository of Ganja growing, lol But I do know a little…
lol especially when it comes to Frankie! After growing her continuously for over 20+yrs, if I didn’t know her by now, lol I’m in the wrong business!


I had, of course, wondered about the usual questions relative to “the checklist”. You know, bag appeal, nose, quality of high. Phenos being phenos and all. But the way you developed it over so many years led me to think my odds of meeting the Beloved Pheno were way higher than average. And seeing @MoBilly’s bud porn the other day was definitely enlivening!
Can’t wait for more “experiential observations”.


Hush man! You da Icon! I said it in our first conversation. I stand by it —even more so now

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:blush: thnx cuz

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Good morning everyone. If I got the sleep you all get I’d be a zombie :woman_zombie: :joy:.


Morning folks. Friggin rain is really tossing a wrench in the works for me but good news- I feel like shit anyway so I can blame it on the rain!

Life just works out sometimes :laughing:


Good morning! @Slick1 Hopw you get to feeling better. :face_with_thermometer:


Thanks brosef. I’m wondering if it was yesterday catching up. Yesterday was the first time in years where the heat effected me so much.

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lol I hear ya there, cuz! So take advantage of the rain-day and relax. Get to feeling better.
btw DM incoming

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Yeah I understand that! I can’t do heat anymore. I thought I held the world record for heat strokes there for a while. Then I found out they were MS exacerbations. Now I stay near a running AC instead of repairing broken ones and installing new ones! :joy: I’d have to say the money isn’t as good here at home but the free time is unlimited! :roll_eyes:


I definitely get a little bogged down in the heat like anyone would but I’ve been working outside my whole life and I don’t even hit the AC in my truck while working (I think it’s worse to tease myself with the cold and just deal). I’ve never had heat stroke or anything before but yesterday my heartbeat was pounding in my head for bit and I was fading a few times. I actually had to pop a squat and take a break after standing up cause my legs went out a little. It was just friggin brutal yesterday.