Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

lol Same here, I used to love the heat. But it don’t love me back no mo! Old age does that to a person, I heard… now I’m a believer!


Yeah brother that’s definitely heat exhaustion. Just a quick step away from Ah shit! Good you at least took a break. Should make that a thing. It’s hard I know. You described my work habit. I feel somewhat I’ve worked myself out of a job in a completely different manner than I always thought I would! :wink:
Know your limits and accommodate them. Live to work another day! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:


Same with the cold weather, me and cold don’t get along very well. I’m so skinny it freezes me to the bone. Gimme heat, I’ll find a shaded spot or jump in the pool. Stay cool OG’s.:peace_symbol:


Cold weather and me haven’t gotten along since the 70s when I damn near lost my fingers to frostbite, in Alaska working on building pumping station (pipeline)

lol that was my own fault though. I was building pumping station/crew quarters in (summertime)Saudi, and when finished. The company I was contracting from asked if I was interested in doing another in Alaska. I didn’t think about it being summer there, it was winter in Alaska!! BIG mistake, my saying ‘Sure’! lol going from 100+ temps to -40-50s there just wasn’t ANY way to keep warm!


Well, they found a heartbeat. Guess I’m gonna be around for a while at least. lol


I find it so interesting, this getting to know folks almost incidentally, in slow motion, through the little aside stories and how a given conversation context will be going on and there’s a casual-like personal revelation. I find myself liking so many of you folks more and more. And I’m moved by, touched by (in a strange, removed and distant, but nevertheless real way) the poignancy of what is shared of your lives. (For example, you, @NDNCHILD)
There’s an extraordinary quality of character revealed so casually in these conversations y’all have.
I come back for more, every day.
To those of you more comfortable with a tipping of my hat, in respect, please consider me so doing. To those who may resonate with a bow and sincere namaste, please consider me so doing.
I’m a big fan of this place and of so many of y’all.
Just sayin.


Very eloquently stated @Butterthief1959 ,and very much the same experience that I had when coming home to this forum. I’m not a gregarious person offline but I have made contact with a lot of good people and made some true friendships along the way.


I hate using the phone to post. I can’t see it to edit well. lol

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Hey Thanks! @Butterthief1959 :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart: I’m just some guy ya know?! :joy: I feel the same about y’all! That’s why I keep coming back! Always outta likes! Get you some more of these little guys! :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart:


Glad to hear the ticker’s still ticking’! @MoBilly They always charge ridiculous prices to tell ya stuff you already know!
Well looks like that tooth is gonna need to come out.
Yup! That’s why I’m here! :tooth: :exploding_head:


They say my heartbeat has a little hitch in its getyup so they check it out from time to time. And you are right. They do love making those yacht payments.


Yeah I kid but it’s never a bad thing to know where you stand on that one! A good backup is hard to find so best to have the timing checked every once in a while. Hey! Ya wanna talk about oil checks next! :rofl:


The one I hated is when they talked about wanting to do a colonoscopy and endoscopy. I said wtf? y’all gonna meet in the middle n shake hands?!

Newsflash… I didn’t let em do either one! Told em, if it ain’t broke, it don’t need ‘fixin’!


Very eloquently said, mi amigo! Also very true for me as well. Like @MoBilly says, ITR, I’m not a very sociable person with most folks I meet.
Some might say even downright anti-social, lol or at least non-communicative. Seems the older I get, the worse the PTSD becomes.

edit… I’ve made more friends here on OG, than I’ve made in 20+yrs in regular society. But… and that’s a big ‘BUT’ I think the mutual love of Ganja helped that along!

If nothing else other than helped open conversations, and from there, other topics came up in conversations and we (both myself and all the other folks I like here) gradually opening up to each other, completed the meeting of minds, and forging of friendships!

I propose a toast! To newfound friends!!


Methinks you come by any PTSD issues honestly and paid for them in full and then some!
My wife is the best person I’ve ever known. She has a healthy dose of PTSD. Ain’t nothin nice. I didn’t understand much about it, how shit gets wired in. On a good note, however, I’ve observed that a considerable wisdom is gained in turning conscious awareness to unconscious and automated interior processes. Whatever “demons” remain in residence in murky regions, some of the most aware people I’ve known have PTSD. You appear to be among them.
Btw, she smokes ten times the weed I do. Such good medicine! I notice several of you folks tend towards generosity towards yourselves in partaking good meds!:grin:


What was that @Butterthief1959 ? My mind was wondering about some place inside lower depths consciousness. Now what was I doing… Oh yeah, smoking!


Dig it. Totally. Here here! I raise my spliff! Cheers!
Yeah, it’s the plant that got me here. It’s the quality of the people that kept me coming back.
Like you, I’m not very open in real world interactions. Too many years outlawing’ it. Folks like to ask, whatdayado, ya know.
Talk about stuff gettin wired in— some things from the so-called Drug War also get wired in. Wouldn’t elevate those issues to PTSD level, but they sure do determine certain modus operandi habits. And habits become character.
Might make a fella tend towards the hermit-ism, of one sort or another.


Damnit, @MoBilly, pass it! You be bogartin’ again!:joy:


On another note, I was debudding the Monkey Business I crossed with Blue Kush ‘Blue Monkey’ and look what’s kept falling outta the buds as I did, lol

I’m thinking there’s gonna be a goodly amount. These revealed themselves without any coaxing

Gotta let it dry some before gleaning though, lol the buds are sticky as hell!


Yay! Count me a primate Aficionado

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