Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Good morning everyone. Awesome that everyone is still excited about the gathering!


I haven’t done anything like that in a very long time. I didn’t know how much I missed those gatherings. Yeah, I’m sure that I’ll be grinning, for years, when memories of certain snippets of conversation pop up. lol


You think that one is nice?
Look at this nice Paul Reed Smith
I call her Smitty and she play’s incredibly well.


Some day I would love to just jam with you guys for a while. That would be cool. I might even learn some more Bob Marley songs just for the occasion. lol


How’s my LPC compare to yours? Be honest. You won’t hurt my feelings.

Your feeling won’t be hurt by anything I might say. I haven’t dug into my own smoke since I got back. lol
Do dat tell ya anything? I have been doing my regular routine of 20 min breaks every hour or so. It only takes a couple of bumps when I sit down and everything settles down and I can relax. Last night I smoked half a bowl before bed and actually slept for about three hours before I had to move around. I almost finished the bowl and went back to cat nap the night away. In my world, that is a win of a night.


That says, You might like it a little bit!
Do me a favor. Tomorrow morning before you do any other, try a wake and bake with the Double Grape.
I’m not screwing with you, man. That really puts me in a different place when I do DG with coffee I’m saying, just a couple hits and I’m BLASTED for a couple hours.


I posted on Johnny’s thread that I’d been hitting it the double this morning. I took two hits before chores, two hits afterwards and after breakfast I started in on the LPC. That’s been my pain killer today.


Glad I could be of service, my brethren.
I have some of both ground up, ready for the old bong.

Thanks again, for coming to Tulsa. It was a dam fine time.


For that there’s no thanks needed! My wife and I haven’t done anything like that for fun in a great many years. Shoot man, we don’t go out for dinner but maybe two or three times a year. More people than showed up down there make me lock up an look for an exit. For a fact. I didn’t feel an ounce of anxiety while with you guys though.


Same way it was last year. It was like we already knew each other and just came for a visit. Everyone was cool, no one got drunk, … Just a fine fun day. Just like last Sunday.


Have you heard from OJ? How’s his hand??

Not that I’m against alcohol or anything. I still drink a mixed drink or a beer from time to time. I was once an alcoholic, still recovering, I guess. And I don’t want to go back there. A drink now and then don’t hurt but if it gets to be more than like once every couple weeks or so, I know I will revert.


He said, that night both his finger on one hand and thumb on the other, was throbbin like a baby robin’s butt. It felt a bit better in the morning.

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I know there are some things I just gotta avoid too. I tend to go back for what I really really like. The path back is rough so best not take it to begin with. Yep.
A man’s got to know himself.


Some of us have more than one thing that we must avoid. I have several.
And correct. I know me!


Its a great place to be in life when we can look at ourselves and know where our limits are. I think we have all grown up… or maybe most of us. We have to be in control and not let anything control us… except for wifey. My life revolved around cigarettes for prob 30 years or better. I would have to check at night to make sure I had enough to wake up with. It was controlling my life and activities. I am proud to say I have been nicotine free for 15+ years. Thank God I quit.


I quit those rascals after about 25 years. I have not smoked tobacco since 1993.


Good for you man! That’s a lot of poison you kept out of your body. And I don’t have to tell you to think about the money you got to use on better things.


I actually quit smoking EVERYTHING in 1993. And I only picked up cannabis again in about 2018.