Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Wow! Quite a feat. I applaud you.

I smoked when I met my wife. She hated the smell so I went to a pipe. I knew a shop that was amazing. The owner kept a record of the four blends I came up with through trying this and that. I had a vanilla cherry blend that was … anyway. stoned and rambling. lol
I smoked pipe for a bit and quit that. That was in 84.


You know what’s kinda funny about it? 30 years of not smoking, and if someone opens a new pack and lights one up, I ALMOST want one. Smells good to me.


Same here. I know if I ever smoke one…. I’ll smoke a million.


Yup! Me too.
What they shoulda done, when they were outlawing shit, they shoulda outlawed tobacco and kept cannabis legal. Bunch of stupid bastages. Ok, I’m off my soapbox. Sorry @JohnnyPotseed


I quit about ten years ago. Best thing I ever done. I’m a big guy who has a hard enough time breathing. Used to smoke cigarettes constantly kinda runs in my family and i honestly never thought I’d quit but the year I decided to I was in the deer woods and couldn’t walk more than 20-30 feet without having to stop and catch my breath.


I can positively say after the hell I went through quitting I will never puff a cigarette again


Weed. Till the day I die :sunglasses::+1:


Hell yeah, Hogman! (my god! What a shitty team we have this year)
I applaud anyone who can quit. It ain’t easy. You gotta WANT to quit is part of the key.


Lol… love it… Hogman.


Football is painful. Basketball is almost here and will definitely b better then can’t wait till baseball in the spring. Got the top draft class in baseball this year

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We both are Arkansas Razorbacks fans.

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Geaux :tiger2: Tigers. LSU.


Wait!!! Where is that “IGNORE” button ??


That’s gotta be rough. I had pneumonia so bad I had to fight to breath. That’s some scary stuff right there. I can’t imagine living like that for an extended period of time. I have seen a lot of folks in the homes that deal with it.That would suck so bad.

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I quit smoking weed for 15 years @BigMike55 . When I started back, it was Atonic x Long Bottom Leaf. I told my wife “Its a CBD cross…can’t be that strong” right…Shit was so strong. Just a beast outdoors.


I harvested an Atonic x CakeFighter a while back. It’s very nice weed.

Let me start my post with this… I REFUSE to ‘grow up’!! I’m friggin Pete Pan… just trapped in some ol fart’s body!

oh wait, that IS all of my post!


Hey guys! The owner of the house just got back! Act like we thought it was our house and just made ourselves at home.


When I started back, my friend was saying, This ain’t that old school shit! This is some badass weed right here. Did I get high? Yes! Was it anything special ? No!
Back in the 70’s we had great weed. Was it ALL great ? No! But we frequently got stuff that a small joint between three or four guys, and we would all be super stoned. Like knocked the fk down stoned. Where could not possibly move, stoned. Like, if the house was on fire you would probably let it burn down around you, long as the couch was ok, stoned.

I have not seen or heard of anything like that since I’ve been back to doing cannabis. Especially dispensary weed.