Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Imo, it’s wise to be in nature, where the little helper can open one’s perception to vibrational frequencies that we, in our essential selves, are one with and yet in our subservience to agendas and thought constructs we live lives, year stacked upon year, in which we understand our tribalism or rugged individualism to be accurate definitions of the self. Mushrooms, or the buttons, serve us so well, gift us so generously, in offering us perception of how we , actually, are interconnected with all.


Btw, @NDNCHILD, sending good intentions your way. Feel better soon, brother. And you also, Johnny.

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There’s an old Native American saying. Mitakuye Oyasin… meaning ‘we are all related’, animals, plants, us, earth sky, etc


Shrooms don’t effect me @Butterthief1959 . It’s like edible THC. I get zero effects. Now that bummed me out in triplicate!

The single essential realization, imo.


ok I’m gone now…POOF!

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Looks like Frankenstein is coming down tomorrow afternoon.

A theft around the Corner, a few spots of Bud Rot, and a wonderful Mix on the trichomes.

There is a partial super-crop’d branch in the garage for pictures. I’ll show you whats dropping @JohnnyPotseed


Mine still lack a couple weeks I think. Massive buds tho.


Those are looking damn nice, cuz!

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Thanx bruh. Even the smaller side nugs are the size of golf balls. And about as hard as those golf balls too. Very nice plant. A few branches were donated to Mother Nature the other day but I’m still gonna get a nice yield.

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Ya think?! :rofl: :scream: :+1: Also, isn’t that the revegged one?

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Indeed she is. Two harvests, one plant.


Here is a beauty of a Trichome Mix @JohnnyPotseed, from a bunch of similar tops
Did not expect to see her this far along. We are making a good call with the things going on.

One of Frankies horizontal super-crops


Damn shame ya lost that pretty cola! But it looks close enough you’ll still get to enjoy it,cuz! lol

Damn! Nothing I do seems to slow the SHE BEAST down! I’ve bent & tied her… twice, she broke the sisal twine I used the first time, trying to go for the sky. Then I tried spreader rods (bamboo) nope… Then this last time, I used pliers, pinching/crushing the stalks and bending them over. She’s still just shrugging even that off and going for the sky again! She still has some spread to her, at least! lol
The center is getting good growth though, and the whole plant is greening up nicely.

Might as well toss in a pic of the White Rhino I re-vegged, she’s the new WR mother

the new Frankie mother-to-be

The Unicorn Poop is getting fattened up nicely also

Gotta say, lol I’m gonna miss her when she’s gone! It’s been fun finally getting Rose to let me use the 5gal bucket for a change! :scream: :pray: :crazy_face: :+1:


DSL went down just after my last post and it’s still not up. I hate using this phone to post so I just got on to wish you all a great evening and a full night’s sleep tonight.


Hope you’re back up in the morning, brother!
Rest well


Wow that SHE BEAST is a bush! Or maybe a tree top…:deciduous_tree:


Age from rooting a clone to now, is 3 months. lol All documented in the Circus thread, and my notes.
Fimmed 3 times when in the 12" pot. Check the difference in the pics of her when I potted into the 5gal bucket, just a few weeks ago.
post #592 on the 8th, so17 days ago actually.

Yeah man I have been loving all the updates, seems like it gets bigger every day!