Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

My dad’s go-to was “It’s a long way from the heart and in 100 years you won’t even remember it”.

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Now they use Super Glue, or something like it. When they went into my chest, they glued me back together. lol


Similar to my Dad…”Its too far from the heart to kill you”. Another one of his…. Eat the meat and give the bone to your brother.


Superglue is in my first aid kit.


Yep, lol I’ve heard that works too. I haven’t had any occasion to try it lately, since I don’t do much physical work nowadays.( :scream:) lol
I think the worst time I was ripping down doors for trash, the guard got blocked up by accident (wood scrap) and I cut my leg open on the return. I looked down and said ‘damn, i cut my new work jeans’… then the blood started coming! lol I said DAMN, I cut my leg! Our sons ran to mom saying pop cut his leg open. She wouldn’t look at the sewing up process, lol just handing me the stuff I needed as I asked for it, with her head turned.I packed some meat back into my leg, sewed it up, bandaged it and went back to work.

edit… it did take a few minutes lol like 12 or so stitches, also the cleaning out first, and dressing it down with antibiotic salve, etc

Won’t lie, it hurt like a SOB! lol But, I feel I’m a fair to middling ‘field doc’ and saved a load of money and time by not going to the hospital! While doing just as good a job as they woulda. lol

edit… Some anesthetic woulda been nice too, I reckon! But smoking a fattie helped there!


We always kept 2 first aid kits, still do. One in the car or truck, and one in the house.

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Hard core doesn’t say enough about that statement @JohnnyPotseed .
That’s some Rambo shit right there. lol
At least I had my mom sew my heal back on after I stepped on a broken bottle when barefoot. That was an experience brother. Frigging litterers!


Brother, if ya only knew! lol Hell… Rose has died on me twice in years long gone by, I brought her back both times with mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions. The second time a girlfriend of hers was there, watched what I did, and thanked us later because she knew what to do when another friend of hers died and she was able to bring her back.

edit… I wasn’t about to let her leave me with 3 young boys to raise alone!! :scream: :crazy_face: :+1:

edit2… lol I’m trying to make light of a bad situation!


I don’t know if they do now, but when I was a kid they taught CPR in elementary school and repeated it in highschool.
Everyone should have since enough to take a class. A few years back, the fire department gave classes. I went and got a refresher. They actually have modified the way they said it should be done in some aspects.


Back in the days before ‘crack’(80s) …freebasing was some bad-to-the-bone shit! Glad we outgrew that kinda crap!


Isn’t that what got Richard Pryor?

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I think that’s the story on him, yep lol
But when Rose first met me, I was still doing every drug known to man, and drinking like a fish
You name it, I did it… usually in ‘cocktail’ form (mixed, ie; ‘speedball’) downers like Opium, Heroin, etc and coke or speed
Recreational, not all the time

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I’d like to try peyote once.

LOL back in the mid 70s, an ex-brother in law living on the Apache Res outside of Tempe AZ, me n him on a trip to Padre Island in Texas, we collected a breadbag full of Peyote buttons, dicing n stripping the little white veins ( Strychnine) when we got there, we went out on the beach and build a nice fire, put the diced buttons in a pot over it, and sat there, for days, eating it. lol I can’t remember much other than while sitting there looking at the water… the water became solid and the sand dunes were moving. We walked out on the water and turned to watch the dunes roll in. lol

At least, lol that’s my recollection! the land and water reversed…


Natural hallucinagens have been of benefit to me, though I haven’t done them in years. Yet I recall each trip. Imo, they are a gift from Mother Earth to help we difficult children open our understanding to the interconnectedness of all.


My buddy Jeff spoke about the effects he had experienced. He used to say “You can learn a lot about yourself while doing it”. I’m guessing that it made him very introspective.
I’d like to experience a true vision-like trip. At least once.


I did too many, I think! lol I can’t remember them all just bits n pieces.

I did a LOT of hallucinogenics back in the day…

edit… like I said, I did almost every drug known to man, many times on most.

I like the way Bob Marley put it. “When you smoke the herb it will reveal you to yourself”


I been sitting here, hurting like heck, lol but the conversation keeps pulling me back in. I GOTSTA go lay down a bit. the pain won’t be ignored any longer! lol I’ll cyas in a bit

That is, lol after I see what @Butterthief1959 is saying!

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Get some rest brother. We’ll keep the thread going. LOL