Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 6)

Dang cuz, that’s rough! Hope they gt you straightened out soon.

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Good Afternoon OGs :coffee:
Hope everyone is having a great day!

@MoBilly Sorry to hear that brotha. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly if you have to splice them back together.


Good morning- afternoon folks!
Been a sucky day so far at work but only 4 1/2 hours to go


OH no! I’m not the one who has that job. I have done it before but that was in a networking class situation. We spent a week splicing fiber and I absolutely hated it.
Like I said, it takes a lot of time and patience. I don’t like tedium.


Man I was watching a couple hummingbirds fight over a feeder yesterday evening and they tied up and went into the grass, then pretty still. I shit you not, I thought they were dead but about right when I got over to them they flew back to fight over the feeder again. Got the next episode on video, they tied up again battling. Hope they are both still around this evening - mean little f’ ers.


I think I’m gonna close out for the evening. I’ll see all you good denizens of the OGniverse tomorrow.

Good NIght OG!


I love a good hummingbird battle.
Them little bastards are so territorial.
We get the Rufus breed late in the season. Now them are vicious! I swear that they are only around to cause a ruckus. I’ve never seen em actually feed. Only run others off of every feeder, rinse and repeat, lol.


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s, have a nice hump day.:peace_symbol:


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @Greenfingers good morning OG!

@blowdout2269 we are going to get a few more feeders for next year. We lollygagged around this year and the selections were slim when we needed more. We do have lots of natural plants in the yard that they feed off too.

Have a great day everyone :rocket:


Good Morning JP and OGs!

Time to make some coffee. :grin:


Good morning @Greenfingers @buck90 @InTheWoods @JohnnyPotseed & OG!


Good Morning OG!


Morning fella’s!

@CanuckistanPete, now this is an unfair statement. Because technically no, not until this day is half over! :yum:


Morning my friends. Y’all have an ass kicker of a day.


Managed to grab a few pics of the budroom this morning, also a few of the veg room. The SHE BEAST is growing like a bat-outta-hell (sorry, MeatLoaf! lol)

So is the latest clone I took from her, for a new mother

The Unicorn Poop is getting fattened up nicely also

And now, for some bud porn! lol
The beans are coming along for the ‘SKULLFUK’
(Crystal Skull Kush x Alaska Thunder Fuck) That had to name itself, nothing else would do!

Looks like my pollination took on the Coral Kush I hit with some ATF pollen, th pistels are turning brown AF.

A few random bud shots, almost ready on some

Group pic of budroom

That’s all folks, thnx for taking time to peek at things here!


Local theft nearby @JohnnyPotseed, some Bud Rot creeping-in, and some damn fine trichomes led to Frankenstein being chopped yesterday afternoon.
A co-grower has created a Perfect home for the Herb, short-term.
Cannot wait to taste this feisty batch JPs
The 4 corner, super-crops were taken down the other day… she’s a generous lady

Half a plant, a view with only 3 of 6 branches left.

Subaru just gobbled her up. Might be a month or two before the cars smell changes after that short trip

We managed to capture the whole plant on 6 branches

Sunshine Daydream gets a little more attention, finally


HELL YEAH, cuz! Looks like you’re gonna have a very nice pull there, lol Way to grow, my friend!

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Woah, nice plants man, congrats!

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Thanks @Natea

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Proud as punch @JohnnyPotseed

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