Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

I saw that stop drop and roll at @Oldjoints place. And yeah, you needed help up. lol

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If ya saw ME do it, I want some of what you were taking!

The drop is the easy one just gotta practice stop an roll technique

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The drop would end me in itself lol

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Dang bro! You must have been f***ing wasted to not remember that fall coming off the stairs! You should ask Rose to remind you of it.

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oh lol that… Rose thinks I started to go and got helped to not go down?
I did fall backwards into the side of the car when we got out to it.
But didn’t ‘go down’ …weebles wobble, but they don’t fall down!
lol I use the scooter or walker just to go to the bathroom here!
Or from my desk to the kitchen for more coffee! lol (8-10’)

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That thing looks amazing it would be great for my paraplegic buddy that loves to go moose hunting.


Ahhhh maybe I was the one that was wasted beyond measure then! I thought you went down. Dang! If I get any more forgetful I’ll have to change my name and run for public office. I hear them folks don’t need any working brain cells. I’d fit right in. lol

I did start to go down, but was caught. Pretty sure. lol
Rose walks beside/behind me often when I’m using the walker. She’s good at catching me to help keep my balance.

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I didn’t get toooooooo political did I? I didn’t mention any names anyway. lol

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I hate ALL politicians equally, so no names lol

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Good morning everyone. Hope your all having a fantastic day


Morning, everyone. You guys are acting up in here already… As dad woulda said. Don’t make me stop this car.


Got busy this morning with all the sprouts. 5 Thunder Rose and 4 Skull Fuk are now in pots


Ok I going with this description and see what comes back I’m trying to make stickers with pictures instead of having names on my seeds and I like to keep it were I know where they came from . I just punched in a little of your description and when I put texas that’s were the cowboy look came from I should have put English gentleman stuck in Texas! This should be good !

No were just trying to immortalize and OG legend while your still here to have a good laugh about it ! Do they even have snow in Texas or mountains !

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What site did you make this on it looks like the graphics on the one I was trying ?

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They do get snow in Texas, yep. lol I’m in Oklahoma and am neither a gentleman nor English! Just a southerner, that traveled… a LOT! lol


Why not just copy/paste my real pic from the icon? lol
Just seems more reasonable to me, rather than getting some AI to ‘imagine’ how I look?


Dude! I just watched a video about VR and AI systems running together to create whatever scenario you ask it to create. Seriously, just tell it “Place me in a seat on the front row of the signing of the Declaration of Independence” and the AI system will spin for a minute, then you put on your virtual reality headset and, whip crack, you’re there!

Surely that technology will never be used improperly. It’s sure to be addictive.
Brother, this ain’t the world we knew anymore.