Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

I used the bing AI generator brotha,
Image Creator from Microsoft Designer (

I did not do the banger thing, like I was going to.
Because I wanna watch a movie without nodding out.
So instead, I did like you and Rose do. A bit of flower in the bowl and topped with a bit of the concentrate. First two bong rips very nice. The third one, the longer I toked, the whiter the bong tube got. I finally let her rip and it nearly took my head off. After my coughing spell, I sit there with my bong in one hand and the lighter in the other. Guarantee for a good five minutes, but it seemed like twenty.
When I came back, I put the bong down. I’m gonna try to watch that movie, but I have a feeling ill be nodding out, thank you very much!!!


Good night @BigMike55 , IM packing it in, see ya in the mornin.

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That Frankie concentrate can make a man slap a grizzly bear… lol



Come here bear! :wave:t3:


yep lol go-away likes
:heart: :heart: :heart:

@BigMike55 & @NDNCHILD


Best salve ever. Works best when ya light it on fire and rub it on your lungs! :joy:
Thanks again, brother! :fist:t3:🪶🪶

lol :scream: :rofl: :heart: :+1:
Just loaded ours… again


I’m gonna go for 2 in a row. Been a painful day. Already feeling better though and for some reason I feel I’m losing my fear of bears.:man_shrugging:t3:

Go for it, brother! Some days just takes that little bit extra… lol

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Totally my fault. I don’t think I put enough on the first bowl. I’m only extremely stoned. I was shooting for
“ why are you drooling? I’m not drooling. You’re drooling.” I can fix this. I have tools. :+1:t3:


Well, lol Rose and me are nicely numb. Gonna go now. Cyas tomorrow, folks.

Good Night OG!


Goodnight, bud. Rest well. :fist:t3:🪶🪶

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I just like always trying something new ! Keeps my mind fresh with new idea ! But I really did even know you could cut and paste these side pic ! See learn a new thing every day !

Hey Johnny harvested a strain of yours. Label got washed away in the heavy rains. It had nice thick buds. If it’s potent I’m hopefully going to reveg it because It was ready to be harvested on the 10th of February. My other strains are just starting to flower or still waiting to show sex outdoors. So hopefully I’ve found a nice early finisher. Got a few frankys just starting to flower as well I’ll put up some photos near harvest. Have a nice day guys

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good morning @JohnnyPotseed , @Thetravler , @Billybob and OG! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

Is it almost the start of the season over there ?

Good Morning OG! I come on, put out 1 like and get this!

So hee ya go @Billybob @m0sirys @NDNCHILD @Thetravler
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


@Billybob in some regions, yes growing’ already started. I know you got a few strains from me so it might be hard to figure which one you lost the label, lol But good luck with it being some :fire: my friend!