Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

Can’t think of a better way to spend a morning myself bro.


Raining here too. And I’m high as a kite. Might go to couch. I’m retired, y’know.


Sunday night for my rain. It better not just rain at night. I like napping when it’s raining


I started eating again. No more broth. Yay! Right?? My wife gave me a slice of apple. I took a bite and gave it back. I don’t like apples with no sweetness. She said it was very sweet. How long until I can taste my food again?


The year 2137 comes to mind for some reason. Hawhaw.

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You are my friend brother but be glad you’re not standing here right now. I’d give you such a noogie! You know, like Moe did to Larry.

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All seriousness aside, you’ll be ok after awhile. It will come back slowly. You won’t even notice, it will be so gradual.

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I hope you are right man.

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Ok coffee/doobie break over, back onto my head…


Good afternoon all!
Been a long week but have the weekend off so rest and relaxation planned other than two projects. Kitchen light replacement, going with LED vs fluorescent. Then gotta put together a bunkie, up until last week whilst matress shopping I didn’t even know what a bunkie is.

Glad they are gonna get you taken care of soon @crownpoodle, how long will the recovery be?


Hey Johnny
My aunts husband gave this flag to Zee about 20 years ago. He is a member of the Algonquins in Massachusetts.


We had a plumber out last week. Needed the drain scoped. Went well, but I thought the guy was a no personality piece of work. Last night I saw him donate a full size pickup heaped high with new sports equipment to a local radio stations “Season of Hope”. I retract my initial impression. Thousands of $. He said “lots of kids can play with the same ball”. No shit. I think he sleeps well. Same guy turned me down bartering. I will call him back, if needed and give him a bag for a tip.


Nice flag, looks like yas kept it close to pristine there, brother.


I have a neighbor that must have hundreds of flags. A nice American flag is the only one I think I’ve seen twice. Guys been there at least 3 years.

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Good morning guys hot one over here today 33-34 degrees Celsius out. Lucky i mowed the lawns Thursday afternoon, mother in law is doing a surprise stay over so it’s all neat and tidy. Best of luck with the surgery @crownpoodle Mrs herb had back surgery 3 yrs ago, stretching heat packs and high thc flower and oil seems to help a lot.


Hey Johnny have you flowered out the white Rhino yet? On day 35 and she reeks of Blueberries. Smells wonderful. Have a great evening and weekend.


@CanuckistanPete, I’ve found this pen easy to use and calibrate. I presume it’s reliably accurate, Hanna is well regarded. Fella can check runoff, of course, but it feels good,time to time, just sticking the unit in for a reading. (That sentence was a minefield of innuendo) Truthfully, I don’t use it often. Bought it some time ago when I was experiencing issues and felt need of more definitive data. Reckon in my case it relieved anxiety and added a note of certainty, which I appreciated. :v::call_me_hand:


lol brother… I’ve been ‘flowering out’ this WR since 1998, every year, as many times a year as I can run her.
Right alongside Ms Frankie


Ah shoot OK I thought it was one you just picked up from guitarzan.
She smells wonderful. Thank you for getting her over here!

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lol Guitarzan got her from me… I gave him clones of that '98 WR in 2019