Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

I wondered the same thing. Who’s going where
@Hemp ?

@MoBilly isn’t going anywhere… he’s just ‘busy’ for a bit and preoccupied with things, he told me he’d be on now n then.


I didn’t mean it like that.

I wasn’t even talking about him. Sorry for the misconception. Meant it more as a good thing not a bad thing.

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I’m not good at jokes, and it was kind of a metaphor. Not a bad thing. I don’t have any friends here really. When you do what we do, we kind of live a sheltered life. I do I don’t know too many people that know what I do except for y’all…


Sorry if I misunderstood there… I thought you were talking about @MoBilly same as we were.

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What I was trying to get at was I got too many friends now. Something else for me to worry about. I don’t know if those words are kind. You know how it is when you’re on medication I guess. Not sure if you’re saying the right thing or not. I hate those moments. That was like my first kiss.


I got that man’s phone number. lol
I need to study English better.

I’m just gonna keep my mouth shut. lol
It wasn’t it wasn’t meant to be anything at all. Now y’all got me worried

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Nothing to worry about, my friend. lol


Good. I got a big day tomorrow. I’m kind of stressed.
More worried about my plants than anything else. If they decide to keep me in the hospital. Can’t stand those places. Especially if it’s a university. Everyone in their mamas got to come by and touch you. If something happened to anyone of y’all, it would bother me.
I’m not trying to talk about me. I can’t wait to see what that frosty cobra does this time


Good morning people another lovely hot and humid day here. Can you guys please speak up my tinnitus is playing up…too many ac/dc concerts back in the day :guitar:


My friend to hang out with in the garden. Saying too cold outside.


lol I can’t hear ya my friend! Mine has bugged me since Nam… concerts? I went to plenty, lol But the damage was already done.

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Good evening everybody!
Got some snips to stick if they have stood back up by now, was in a hurry this morning and didn’t put enough water in the jar for them to stay happy all day.
Tired but I am so wound up I gotta go smoke a few doobies first. Literally 12 hours before the wife’s MRI we get a message it was cancelled. Can’t get a straight answer since it’s after hours. Somebody didn’t do something right and I am kinda pissed. Sad she will have to not know what the source of pain is, hurts me when she hurts.
Sorry for whining guys - back on track. Gotta go check them cuts :seedling::seedling:


That sucks on the MRI. Call 1st thing. You might not be the only reschedule. Call everyone. Make a stink. Just told my wife. She said call your primary too. Call everyone. “No you can’t put me on hold.” Really sorry this happened.
We won’t discuss how many times I’ve got jerked off every which way with my back. It took great restraint not to practice my pyromaniac skills. Work comp attorney. WC judge. They got upset when I accused them of collusion. The evaluators…tell me oh you’ll never work again. Report. Oh he’s fine after some rehab.


I appreciate it @crownpoodle gonna get on it 1st thing.

Snips are good but gonna wait until in the morning to stick them. Wilted over but bounced right back,

And for my daily weather announcement :grin: it’s gonna be in the 20’s tonight. Thankfully no precipitation.


I think I’ll cyas all tomorrow, people.
Good Night OG!


Good morning OG!
Everyone have a fantastic day


Good Morning OG!