Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 7)

:joy::joy: your saying that and it was cooold


Hey! Watch it! Well, it was cold for both of us. lol

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There’s plenty for both. I like steaks but I plan to fillet some for my mom and brother.

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Don’t forget your extended family over here, brother!! :scream: :man_facepalming: :rofl: :heart: :+1:


Well, I gotta get ready to split. Someone has to grease the wheels of the mega machine. Have I told you how much I truly hate going to the dang doctors.
I don’t want to hear 95% of what they end up saying.
Later y’all.


Nah… it’s always worth it as long as everyone comes home safe. Just being out there, freezing your ass off. That’ll make a guy feel alive!

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Good morning everyone


Well, no more surgery on this respect.


That’s great news!


That’s one dibs I am glad you didn’t win! Congrats

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Oh I’m late to the party

Good morning all you outlaws
Oh yeah and you legal guys and galls :joy:

This thread is moving quickly

Hay Johnny here’s some of you babies in veg

Frankenstein and 3 white rhino
All loven my Octopots

I just up potted a third rh looking forward to this grow

Ty Johnny P



Ya got them girls looking healthy and happy there brother! Grow On! lol


I know people say that Frankie don’t like wet feet

I’ve even said this myself

Well it wasn’t the Octopot it was me ! I was not reading the plant properly .

I adjusted my feed regiment and not only did it help Frankie it improved all my babies

Grow on


I thought she grew nicely in hydro. Sadly a fan got pointed at it’s grow bag and dried it out too much :sweat_smile: Sad to say, it didn’t appreciate the dry feet :raised_hands:

There’s always a delicate balancing act in the moisture of the medium.


Patience, practicing that right now. Left work early to get a haircut and now I know why I try to make appointments. Didn’t this time.
Been in here for 1/2 hour and neither chair has opened. Same people getting cut when I walked in.
Good afternoon folks! Other than that all good here :grin:


And another one bites the dust! Yesterday over 30,000 lbs bust (off highway 412) in Mayes County grow-op.
OBN is cracking down on more illegal grow-ops all over OK.
Damn, I’m glad I’m legal nowadays… lol


I’m grabbing a spot for this chapter!


Plenty of seats in the 3-ring circus, cuz! All are welcome… The only thing I ever ask of anyone is keep it civil, with absolutely zero politics or religion! lol

other that that, pretty much anything goes! :scream: :crazy_face: :rofl: :thinking: :+1:

Most folks kinda/sorta consider this the ‘coffee-break room’ of OG, lol


Just figured I’d share a pic of them 3 new girls. These are Gen 1 clones of a Gen 0 mother plant grown from tissue culture, of the original Skywalker and also a couple of very potent, newer crosses. The Mai Thai Zkittlez, and Sunset Fritters. Both supposedly around 30%

They’re happy AF in the new home, and I’m even happier to have em! lol

btw… for those interested, the site is … their prices are great, the selection is fantastic, and customer service is on the spot! These 3 were $180.00 including S&H over-nighted!

lol I just could not resist! :heart_eyes: :+1:
So, this is my anniversary present from me to the wife (and myself!) Also, my Christmas and early B-day present! (75 in January) lol

edit… Our anniversary (and Rose’s B-day) is next Wednesday, the 6th of Dec. 40 yrs of honeymooninig and in Jan 41 yrs together.

edit2…LOL don’t even think this is all she’s gonna let me get away with calling an ‘anniversary present’! She saw this post and let me know that in no uncertain terms! :man_facepalming: :scream: :heart_eyes: :heart: :rofl: :+1:

edit… My response? But, But baaaaby! lol Not really, I said what any smart man would say…‘yes dear’!