Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

Good morning all!


Good morning buddies. Hope your all having an awesome day


Hey @JohnnyPotseed ! The package made it today. :+1:t5:
I’ll mix some up this evening. Thanks again.

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I hope everyone is doing well today :pray:


Doing good. I’m about to crawl into an almost empty jar of Blue Tara.
Sad to see her go. But I enjoyed the hell out of her. And another harvest of her is about six weeks away. I did get a real nice clone from her. Actually got two nice clones from her, but I gave one to a very good friend.


I’m waiting, impatiently!.. I might add, lol on this Chunky Junky boy to giver up the magic dust!


Is he balling up good yet?
I don’t think you gout to see that Blue Tara I gave to @MoBilly
It needed a bigger pot, but it was an outstanding plant. Not as nice as that Chunky Junky boy, but a real nice specimen. I think I gave him a Chunky Junky girl too but I can’t remember. Two reasons. I’ve slept since then and I smoke good flower.

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Naw, I don’t recall seeing it. But not surprised to hear it was a nice plant, coming from you, my friend!

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I do believe @Oldjoints got one, as well. A small Chunky Junky girl. Wonder how its doing?

The rosin we make is what we use to help us get through the day and also sleep!
lol We’re gonna need more very soon…

naw, not yet. But hope soon lol The pods are just starting
Hoping for nuff dust to hit a small forest! lol


I have not tried your rosin yet. grandson is staying here for a couple weeks, till he gets his act together. Hopefully soon. He’s way too old to be relying on grandma and grandpa for a place to crash for awhile.
Anyways, I want to be in a nice happy place before I indulge. That ain’t now. Haha.
Its not THAT bad, but… I kinda want my old life back the way it was three weeks ago.


I bet he will be a good boy. I noticed the male pubes on him right away. Seems the girls take their sweet time to even pre flower.

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I can only imagine, lol I know it was nice having Rose’s family here to visit, but it’s even nicer having them gone! Not trying to be mean, but… there it is! Now thins go back to our ‘relaxed’ lifestyle… lol running around the house half nekkid! (and Stoned AF!)


All I can say is, its been a loooooong three weeks. Haha. I’m not tryna be mean either. I opened my door under my own free will. He didn’t just barge in.
But its like you said, cool for a while, bud after that while, I like it back the way it used to be. If that makes sense. I love the guy but at his age he should have a nice career going, or at least A way to make money. He is on his second week with a company here. Hopefully it will last and he can resume getting all his marbles in one bag.


You are offering him a chance, it’s up to him to Make it work.


Honestly I would not kick him out without a place to go… Wife is easier than I am. She is pretty much a pacifist. Me? Not so much.


I’ve been a landlord for 25 years, I’m a small timer with a couple apartments. It’s amazing what people think sometimes. Rent for a 2 bedroom apartment is 570. Rent for the one bedroom is 450. I never get rent on time and at the end of the year, it never totals what it should. These folks kid were friends with my girls.We go there to work on the small apartment and 3 of the 4 adults that live on the other side come out in pajamas, ns.


Back many years ago, we owned 6-7 trailers rented em out. After a year I said F’that! Gave em the option to rent to own or sold. You’re a much more patient man than me, brother!

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I once had a lady offer to pay a year’s rent in advance, I said no. Pay 3 or 6 months, she paid 6 . Was gone in 2 and hollering for her money.


Shutting down for the evening folks, cyas tomorrow.

Good Night OG!