Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

Oh, I know.
I read a meme a few years ago that said, part of becoming a dad was running around turning lights off behind everyone.
I feel your pain.


They have Fentanyl test kits and Narcan being from machines all over the place. Just a very tiny amount can kill.

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Heck, you don’t have to get it into your mouth, just absorb some through skin contact and it can kill!


We need to start hunting down the fucktards making that shit or anything like it… God what a disregard for life to create such a thing


History of Fentanyl

The company Janssen Pharmaceutica first developed fentanyl in 1959. Then, it was primarily used as an anesthetic and pain reliever for medical purposes.

During the 1960s, fentanyl started to be used as an intravenous anesthetic called Sublimaze. It wasn’t until the mid-1990s that the fentanyl patch was introduced and could be used in the treatment of chronic pain.

Where Does Fentanyl Come From?

Where does fentanyl come from, in regards to illicit use? Most fentanyl in the United States comes from China. China isn’t where fentanyl originated, but because of the lack of regulations in the pharmaceutical industry there, the country is a large distributor of drugs and chemicals that are illegal in other countries.

China exports many different types of fentanyl products, including raw fentanyl, fentanyl analogs and counterfeit prescription drugs like oxycodone that are laced with fentanyl.


I’m so glad all I had to worry about was crackheads and methheads lol… now u got bathsalts (flakka) fentanyl and all the shit that makes like a zombie apocalypse of things… it truly sucks and is a very sad thing


Fent and meth are a huge problem around here.
They even decriminalized it, you can legally posses a certain amount… but now they are talking about making it illegal again.
People smoke and inject that shit right in broad daylight on busy streets, in front of kids etc.
Nod and pass out in front of main entrances to stores.
The cops drive by and don’t do a damn thing.


It’s supposedly green, lol it does have some greenish tints in the right light, but damn if it doesn’t look black to me!


When I had my last colonoscopy, the anesthesia guy asked me if I was alergic to anything I said as long as it ain’t fentanyl. He said that’s exactly what it is. I said you know people on the street die from that shit, right? He said yup! That’s cuz they get it from a street dealer and they have no idea how to administer. I do. That’s the difference. I said ok. Shoot to thrill.


I don’t know what they used when I was hospitalized for the ops to put stints in both legs (separate ops) but it was intravenous and instantaneous!

When told to count backwards from 100, I mighta made it to 98… don’t remember past that, lol


When I got my hernia’s “fixed” they overdosed me on the fentanyl.
They said I couldn’t leave until my breathing gets better. After hours I got pissed off and signed myself out.
I’d rather them give me nothing, that shit doesn’t help me at all anyways for pain.

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Closing down for the day, good folks.

Good Night OG!


This is part of why I think they are being disbanded… they just don’t help anymore at all really


Yep, just another one of those nights

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Hope you find some comfort soon and maybe after a joint and some ,you can rest a bit more JP. :call_me_hand:t2:
Happy Fathers Day


That probably won’t happen

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Happy father’s day everyone


Damn forgot bout that lol
Happy Father’s Day to all fathers


I got ur back buddy :handshake:

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We watched that new movie, Under Paris… bed by 11, up by 12 lol then again 1:30, then 3. said F’it and started coffee. lol

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