Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

Yeah it was all at once essentially, so I know the limits now. And yeah maybe next round @JohnnyPotseed!


I dont live close, but a heck of an offer @Sailorboy, thank you! I still have MonsterBreath which is Frankenstein x Peanut Butter Breath that I am super excited about, so I’m good


That will be predominantly Frankenstein. Every strain’s pollen that has been used on Frankie has had very little to no distinguishable effect on her.


That’s awesome. I am noticing wider leaves on it than the original, but other than that the plant structure is exactly the same. I can’t wait :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Has a Frankie clone made it to Canada yet? Just curious if anyone made that happen yet.


I’ve heard talk of a way to ship to places using card/envelope, but to there from here? I’m not gonna try it. The time in transit from, or to, would be prohibitive. Anywhere from 10-14 days either way, lol ridiculous to think the cutting would be anything but rotten mush when arrived.
edit… it’d be easier to walk some across! lol


No I know that would be too far, I was just wondering if it made a couple stops along the way lol

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I’m closing down for the night, folks. I’ll cyas tomorrow.

Good Night OG!


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. Halfway to the weekend folks. Have a nice day.:peace_symbol:


good morning @JohnnyPotseed , @Greenfingers and everybody else of course! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Good Morning OG!


Well hell, on top of Rose and my multiple medical issues, now the only vehicle we have (2006 Chevy HHR) is shot… oldest son was gonna fix stuff wrong, to keep us from having to try finding another, but the parts list was almost as much as it was worth. The labor was gonna be free, since he would do it all. Found out the tranny is going also, which puts it in the ‘not worth fixing’ category.
I’m counting heavily on this sale to come up with enough to buy some ‘mechanic’s special’ that son can fix to make dependable. He’s gonna loan us his pickup until we can find something. He’s helping us hunt. Getting to be Leary about driving this thing now, since it can be done in any day, or time, we go out in it now.
I need a bowl pack!
Sorry if I’m not in much of a ‘joking frame of mind’, folks…


I would like your post, but it just doesn’t seem right to like bad news. I hope those orders keep rolling in brother @JohnnyPotseed


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed good morning everyone


I don’t mind putting a like on that post @OrganicGorilla . I don’t like that my friends are in a bad way but just the fact that they have a son that is willing to help. Having that can make even the bad times a lot easier. So many of us have family that wouldn’t lift a finger to help.
You did right by your kids bro. It comes back to help when you get bit in the ass.

Good morning everyone!


I appreciate ya brother! I consider these three young men (Rose n my sons) to be my best accomplishment in life!


Great way to look at it


Morning good folks, here’s to another day :coffee:

@JohnnyPotseed thank you for opening up about some of the things going on in your life. I know it can’t be easy to share such troubles publicly. Personally I have a really fucking hard time asking for help and opening up to people when I have stress on my mind. Especially if it’s something that could hit my pride.

Just know that your willingness to share is making it easier for others to open up as well. The more of us doing so allows more room for people to pitch in to help however they can. In my short time here on OG it’s been apparent how this is a real community with folks looking out for one another. It’s a rare, beautiful thing.

If I can send any more people your way for the sale I will do what I can.


I don’t particularly care for airing my problems. But figured there was something needed saying since I opened my mouth (so to speak) earlier about ‘needing money’ from this sale. I dislike feeling like I’m begging, BUT… I don’t mind giving folks a heckuva good deal! This way I don’t feel bad, since it helps others at the same time it helps Rose n me.


Ain’t that a solid gold fact!