Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

Good morning OG!


Good morning JP and OGs :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyones coffee is deliciously smooth and strong!
Woohoo its friday!


On a brighter side, oldest son mighta found a cheap truck for us. Looks very nice, but engine is shot. It’s one of those Chevy years (I think he said 2005 or something thereabouts) that is interchangeable in a lot of parts. He has access to a couple other motors(same yr & size) that he can bring it back to life… we’ll see


That is awesome JP! That’ll be nice for you guys to have a reliable vehicle back.


Howzit goin this morning my friend? Yep, he’ll let us know if it’s a ‘do-able’ thing or not worth the bother.

lol by ‘do-able’ means cheaply enough to get running and dependable.
He comes across ‘fixer-uppers’ often in his line of work.

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It’s going pretty good so far this morning. I only got a 1 hour nap last night. Couldn’t sleep.
I bought myself a new vape last night. Should be here early next week. Also bought myself an oz of high CBD flower as I read it’s good for sleep. We shall see.
I have my fingers crossed that it’s a fixable truck for you guys


It has a 350 in it, he has access to an old new-stock 350 crate motor, and also access to another ‘out of vehicle’ 350 same year both, as the truck he’s checking out. Between all 3 he can put together a ‘new’ dependable motor! lol

Without it casting an arm,leg, & lien on newborn!


A Frankie!!! Hell yes :grin:


:scream: :rofl: :+1: Hell Yeah! Hadn’t thought about it that way… but I think you just helped name it, if we get it! (like most guys, i tend to hang a name on my vehicles) lol


I had a 1990 notch back mustang that I named Mean Fox. I totally know whatcha mean haha

The boys all 3 learned to drive in ‘Mellow Yellow’, lol an old 1974 Ford Elite, banana yellow with black vinyl top. I paid $500 from the original owner, garage kept all the years, he got too old to drive. That thing was a BOAT lol over 4000 lbs of Detroit steel! I had air lift rear shocks and a custom towing package installed, it’d pull the world! Ran it for almost 15 yrs more…
Got it in 1990
Had two different people hit it, hardly any damage to Mellow Yellow, but totaled their plastic cars both times! lol
they put a couple scratches in the bumpers
I had several other vehicles during that time, lol but I liked the looks of that old thing so bought it for a play toy! It didn’t take much to restore, it was in almost ‘new’ condition


500 for a beast, garage kept, what a steal. She probably didn’t have much mileage either eh

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Nope, less than 75k. Almost new condition. He pretty much GAVE it to me! lol A friend of a friend.

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That’s the kind of vehicles I like. Like new just broken in ready to rip

lol I gotta lotta friends in low places! : :rofl: :+1: and a lotta them ‘know a guy’

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:joy: gotta have a few of those friends :grin:


So when is your son gunna take a look at Frankie

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This evening after he stops work for the day.

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Nice, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you :crossed_fingers:

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good morning @JohnnyPotseed , @Greenfingers , @OrganicGorilla and OG! :slight_smile: