Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

We made it ok here in OKC. Just a lot of rain and wind. We missed the giant hail and tornadoes. That’s a good thing. I think we’re prolly good for a week or so. I had a feeling this was gonna be a bad storm season.


According to the news, there were houses & buildings, businesses flattened all around us, lotta damage & power out. Hate it for them that got hit bad, and yet relieved at same time, that we aren’t on that list!


Just more proof folks should do some serious research when buying any home!


Now be on the lookout for some sour Diesel pollen it should arrive tomorrow or soon I sent on Saturday

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You sent some Sour D dust to me?

Good morning @JohnnyPotseed and all you others.
So glad my friends made it through all that crap fest.

Have you ever seen chem trails in the damned sky before now? I hadn’t either.


Glad you were not affected badly, scary shit.


Glad to hear your okay @JohnnyPotseed! Sounds like a scary movie scene over there

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tag @YescaSmoker
were you talking to me about sending some SD dust? If so, I do thank you!

I’m still packing beans for shipping to folks who placed orders during this last month long sale.
Everyone is getting their requests filled, in the order they came in to us, & donations were made for. I ask for a little more patience, my friends!
Between all the bad storms & tornadoes, some knocking out power, some having Rose and me drop everything for a ‘just in case’ situation.
Also with astigmatism in both eyes making it hard for me to see with blurred vision. (glasses are coming, supposedly by Friday-Monday)
Added to the large number of folks placing requests!
All of this means things have gone slowly for me. being the only one doing the counting, packing, addressing etc. Rose takes em to the 3 different Post offices closest to us to mail, almost daily.
I do thank you for your understanding and patience! The beans are going out…


Well, I got mine in! Thanks for all you do @JohnnyPotseed making a lot of people happy from your hard work.


Good evening everyone.
Glad you got through the storm safe Johnny.

Now that @Natea got his everything is chill :joy:


Fairly certain your ‘target audience’ already have plenty of seeds to keep them entertained.
Not that a person could ever have enough seeds…or enough red wine.


Idk, there have been nights when I had much more than enough red wine. Still never had enough seeds though!


I reckon it’s just that I like to get them beans out to folks in a timely manner. To still be packing n shipping is a bit longer than I like.


Dangit Johnny, isn’t the art of growing plants supposed to teach patience? :grin:

In no rush over here, my friend. I can’t imagine how long it takes to pack up the volume of orders you received during the sale. We’re puttin’ ya to work that’s for sure!


Calm peaceful evening around Oklahoma… for a pleasant change! Gonna shut down for the evening folks. Cyas tomorrow.

Good Night OG!


I just got done with my work for the day. I’m finally home and my bong is within reach. Frankenstein is on my tray. I’m with @JohnnyPotseed .
Good night my friends.


Good Morning @JohnnyPotseed . Morning OG. I, for one am grateful you and Rose are ok and safe after the weather. I see your comments about seeds going out. I sure hope your comments aren’t in response to impatient people. Sure there’s free seeds out there. For folks on a budget who still want the fun of picking a pack. Or 5 at your $.
I have not taken advantage of your seeds. At some point I will. Won’t be too long. Bet it’s been a year since I bought any.
Patience is a virtue. I hope folks can exercise some waiting for seeds from you.
PEACE buddy. CP
Hey…hope the Silverado doesn’t take long to get going. What year is that? I’ve had a couple.


Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. Halfway to the weekend, stay safe and have a wonderful day.:peace_symbol: