Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 8)

Thanks bruh.
Frickin outstanding time was had yesterday. Thanks for being the host.
Some more.
No shit bruh. Thank you and Rob for throwing the best time of the year.
Some more.


Was our pleasure my friend…….


Pics or it didn’t happen…….

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@Oldjoints Morning!
You folks make me feel jealous!!
:partying_face: :100: :seedling:


Morning Abbian, hope you and yours are doing well!

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You have no idea.
Great food. Great friends. Great cannabis. Even picked up a new guitar trick from my brother, @MoBilly
What’s not to like???
We had an incredible time.


Morning JP, and morning everyone here

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Thanks! Likewise friend!!
:v: :hugs: :sunglasses:

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@BigMike55 Wow! Wish I had the chance! Sounds like you’ve all had a major one!! Awesome!!
one day, who knows…!

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There are no excuses Abbian, all you had to to do was mail your ass here! One freedom stamp may have not cut it though……


@Oldjoints worked a couple days, first … making up that awesome sauce for the lasagna., and procuring some delicious chicken wings. then prepping other things at his place. Rose, our ever gracious, but raucous (!) co-host, did likewise. Making up her potato salad, banana pudding, bacon wrapped dates & bacon wrapped shrimp.
Rose and myself made it there around 1:30 to help get set up. Then comes @BigMike55 with his overseer, the fabulous Ms Zee, who made a grand cheescake to bring!!
So I gave Mikey a big wet one on his tender neck and fired up the first of many joints!

After that came the nut…er, I mean @Golfnutt… first timer, but fit right in with the rest of us stoners! So of course, a doobie had to get fired up for the arrival buzz!
Next came @MoBilly and his beautiful boss-lady the ever thoughtful Eva! Also the little billy ‘Big John’ (a future-predicting name!) lol at 6 weeks old, and soooo demanding! He did NOT like to be tied up outside away from Mo… and he let the entire neighborhood know of his displeasure with that!
I planted a wet one on brother Mo,

then fired up another doobie! lol
There was a dragon bowl floating around with a mixture of buddage, hash, & rosin it got filled whenever it started to get ‘low’ sometimes even if it didn’t really NEED more… more got added… ‘just in case’!
Folks passing out seeds & clones & cuttings to each other & whoever. Passing doobies during the entire event…
Then things settled down to a small uproar, and some of the guys started tuning up the git-fiddles to pick a bit…while other of us passed each other (and them) ANOTHER doobie!

Then came the food… oh the FOOD! lol everyone stuffed themselves to the bursting point, then folks tried to find some room for deserts! lol But first… yep, we fired up some more after-dinner joints, bowls, and that damn Gravity bong! ‘Killer’ is it’s name I think…or should be!

A ‘special’ doobie had been laced with rosin, and was the after desert, desert. lol
The ladies went outside to give BJ his bottle

While the rest of us kept pickin, tokin, jokin, n grinning!
Suffice to say, this was a helluva fun time by all!!!
my oldest son dropped by to say ‘high’ and stayed awhile. He wanted to catch up with OJ, Rob n BM, also get to meet MO and all the wives. Which was probably a good thing, since he had to help this old fart up from a fall going out the door onto the deck to see the baby goat! Sorry, OJ, lol I think my head dented your cast iron lawn chair! Brother @MoBilly hovered over me like a mother hen, but i appreciate his concern! (he DID actually come in handy when I almost fell again at the truck getting ready to leave)


I missed it!!
Beautiful cutaway! Great looking guitar!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:
Btw… those buds look like bombs!! :sweat_smile: :sunglasses:


Looks like a great time was had by all of you guys. I wish I could have been there.:peace_symbol:


Each and every time has been just a total and complete blast! This was number 3, and I look forward to many more! Hopefully more of you OGers can get there next time(s)!


lol I mighta been the ‘oldtimer’ there but I kept up with all the younguns in hitting on the doobies. lol might even been the one to fire up a couple of em (or 6-7!)


I honestly can’t remember the last time I smoked socially @JohnnyPotseed . Wait… does smoking with my cats count?


lol only as long as ya got them high with ya!

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Good morning. After a long drive last night getting home around midnight I am finally up. What a day!


The gathering/party reminded me of the free concerts in the city parks back in the 60’s lol Everyone getting high, laughing, and just having a damn good time!


What up, man? Enjoy yourself yesterday???