Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 9)

The PT is going, slowly, but going. It’s gonna take a while before I’m moving with any real freedom of motion. So, yeah… stove up pretty good here, brother. Not going to be dancing for some time yet, lol


That sucks brother. Do you think you might have jumped the gun a little, to go home?


lol that, my friend, is always a damn good possibility! However, the bills kept racking up in the hospital and I can do everything here I did there, and then some! Without it costing me every damn move.
They have in-home medical care that IS covered by Medicare, and same with PT, they’ll be sending to the house 2-3 times a week.


My brother in law just had his knee treplaced. I think the same day as your hip. He is in the same shoes you are in. Except my sister says he refuses to do PT on his own and gets pissed when she mentions it.


Got another means of getting round also, a wheelchair. Rose can’t pick up the mobility scooter by herself and I can’t help. The rollaround walker isn’t for me any long distance (more than 20-30’) I just can’t do it.

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Hard head makes a soft ass… just saying. He’ll regret it, hopefully not too late. I’m doin PT every day, off and on.


Yeah, he will have 2-3 times a week PT in home starting tuesday. At least he will do the exercises while they are watching. I know this, tho. When i had my rotator cuff surgery last year, i went to rehab center three times a week for a while. If i had not done any PT on the other four days, i would STILL be bunged up.


That’s for sure! No sense in making things harder by bein a hard head. lol
I know I have a long road ahead of me, and I plan on traveling it as much as I can to try and shorten it. lol


Youve had the right attitude so far. Hang in there bruh. Dont let it beat you.


I gotta go lay down awhile. I’ll probably be on here again soon, lol
but in the meantime,
Good Night OG!


Rest well muchacho!


Have you seen this @JohnnyPotseed ? I can just imagine you flying around your grow on one of these :man_superhero:


Good night JP! Good night my second family!


Dont get disheartened… it likely would be no different in the hospital and the pt youre doing is what will help the most… even though some days or all days it makes you feel sore and crappy… 1 day will turn into recovery


I can second that, I popped two last week and they’ve been the fastest germinating seeds I’ve ever germinated.

Good to see you still keeping your chin up JP, you’re a true stoic. I’ve wondered if you could push back against the cost of the helicopter ride. I might have missed a step but at the time it sounded like they had to move you for an operation that couldn’t be done where you were, but then it didn’t happen and it was just more days of monitoring so you could have stayed where you were.

I hope the pain is manageable and you can get some rest. We’re all rooting for you mate.


@Mad_Barry …Damn, lol I need me one of them things!
@Terpsnpurps , that’s the plan brother.
@Igor the operation had already been done. it was a complication (pissing blood) that made em shoot me back to the hospital in Tulsa. ‘Medical emergency’ is in the eyes of the assessor (read bookkeeper)
I do appreciate all the support from everyone here on OG! I wonder if I could get OG registered as my ‘emotional support’?! lol
Folks are getting all kinda stuff registered


yeah yeah yeah… I’m back up only got 1.5hrs in bed but feels a lot better, lol


lol back to bed, again. might get more than 1-2 hours (sweet!) lol


Looks like you’re getting more sleep than expected finally buddy

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Hey brother if you need some rosin I still have 95% of the rosin you gave me. I have plenty besides that so you are welcome to it……
Have a bunch of kief also you can have!