Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 9)

Rose and me do thank you @DougDawson and @LemonadeJoe for this assist, my friends!
As well as any who help!!


Always a pleasure my friend, we got you, just take care of yourself. :v:


It was very kind of you to let him :joy:

Apparently, for you, it’s merely a flesh wound. It really does seem amazing that you are already up and needing to be held back :exploding_head:

You can’t touch the nurses, Johnny. You just can’t

I am glad you are still in the physicians care, they will get you fixed up STAT!


Lol, the PTTechs are all ladies! Now ya know how a couple ‘complications’ can occur! :scream: :scream: :rofl:
I’m up yea, but pretty easy to hold back. I just wanna ‘giterdun’


Holy crap, guys! Did you see that picture of @JohnnyPotseed ?

That right there, is living proof that the white man DID have sex with the buffaloes . lol


Dang Johnny, I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Hate to hear you are all laid up in the hospital.
Any of your nurses cute?

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Latest update from nurse is they’re still trying to find an ambulance, but if they can’t, they they’re flying me out in helicopter


You know you can just charter a helicopter ride! You don’t have to go to these extremes for a ride!!

Sending well wishes and positive energy that your home soon

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Yep,they couldn’t find ambulance so they’re flying me out in helicopter, leaving in about 10 minutes

Seems the only thing comes easy in my world is growing Ganja!


JP getting high tonight. Hoping for the best


They’re still trying to figure things out here. Gotta do the scanning next, then transfer to St.Francis or St.John hospital, depending on what they find. For the moment I’m loaded with morphine, pain is down to a-dull roar. Rose n oldest are staying until transfer then be there with me.


Reading rhe CTscans done. Sending me to St Johns hospital, say need more surgery
They haven’t told me yet just WHY i need more surgery but i know the right leg wont do shit without my forcing it work, and the pain is still here. So I reckon they just fucked up the first try!

The ‘A’ team looks like ‘F’d team!


Hang in there, brother. Hopefully they’ll get in there and fix the issue quickly so you can get to the recovery portion of the game. Hopefully it’s nothing too serious. How was the flight?


Same as any other, with one exception…Nightingale runs ain’t cheap!
Well that’s what they used to call em, I reckon its just a ambulance flight or something like

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Cauda Equine Syndrome the nerves do like a horse’s tail when come out base of spinal column.
Spinal damage. Meaning they hit the wrong nerve for the nerve block pre-op prep

Damn! So I read a bit and that’s pretty serious. Did the spinal anesthesia cause this? I ain’t no lawyer… but ya may need to talk to a lawyer! A screw up that causes a condition that needs surgery within 24-48 hours or permanent disability is likely ain’t no joke. I hope this next surgery relieves a ton of pain and helps movement in your legs. Hang tight, bud! :muscle:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:🪶🪶


Just found out that OSC is owned by St Francis! lol they sent me to their boss

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Good morning @JohnnyPotseed, I hope they have it figured out. Sending positive vibes and prayers your way my friend, get well soon.:peace_symbol:


Good Morning OG!


They said that’s not necessarily so, lol
Of course !
But… they still gonna operate