Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 9)

Its just a typed thread. Lol


Damn! oh well, lol I hoped!


I think it’s more of a PM function. I think the chat threads are a way to keep the main forum geared toward growing and grow related subjects. We’ll see how it goes. Joe mentioned eventually deleting chat threads on the main if this chat thing catches on. :man_shrugging:t3:


Perhaps with an update a little phone will appear and it’ll link you to signal or something secure for live calling?

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That would actually be perfect to keep a lot of the chat threads private. It would be more secure. I’m all for that.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s been great to be able to go back and catch up on things. But that would be just as easy if it’s a private thread , should still exist as long as it’s active.

I always love stopping in and saying hello, enjoying the coffee, etc. but sometimes I need to keep more aware that these main threads are all on the public internet. Meaning they are all available to anyone and are indexed on search engines. So I get moments when I need to remind myself that anything said on a main thread is something that is being said in a public part of the internet.

I don’t mind opening up a bit more in private messages. Those at least have the security of requiring user authentication & authorization to see the message.
Long winded here…

Long story short, a chat or private “chat room” type of thread is a fantastic idea :clap:


I agree wholeheartedly! I was even more excited at the prospect of ‘live talk’ chat lol like via a microphone… maybe soon?!


The discord server has an OG Voice Chat I noticed.

Exactly! @emeraldbullfrog stopping in an existing thread and having a bit of a back and forth is always cool. A more secure private chat room or thread that is invite only is an awesome addition. I think members can get to know each other better knowing everything isn’t on blast. :joy::+1:t3:

How do you get accepted over there. I’m starting to feel like a stray scratching at the door. :man_shrugging:t3:

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I thought it would be pretty cool if the chat feature had live video. Kind of like FaceTime with iPhones. Or you could have a one on one conversation in real time with whoever you want. You could see their plants in real time and help diagnose issues or you could smoke a joint together. Lol it would help with so many things, showing off envelopes and packages that you’re sending out, Putting a face to the name, there’s so many possibilities for live video chat. It would also help us weed out the bots.


I think the chat function works right now just for Patreon supporters but Joe was saying something about opening up for everybody. Just the supporters got a sneak peek first


I don’t care for discord. Tried it and there are some things I don’t care for. Like the person who created the discord thread can boot you for any/no reason, real or imagined.


I tried discord as well and it was very difficult for me to navigate it. I’m not very tech savvy. I still have my 18-year-old niece help me set up my cell phones and shit when I get them.


I paid my bill. :joy:


@NDNCHILD @JohnnyPotseed Exactly! Always fun to have that live back and forth. Imagine the digitally connected smoke sessions! :fire: :fire:

Discord does have the voice chat room feature. It’s pretty cool to be able to join with a few folks at a time and just talk. I’m not sure how much work would be involved to incorporate that into this site but a live voice chat would be sweet! (Long as there aren’t any pryin’ ears … :ear: )


There are some real power trippers in charge of a lot of Discord servers :joy:

My wife is a mod in a server for her online community. It’s all based on a hobby. There is always some sort of new drama going on, and if it’s not between members then it’s between the mods themselves haha
The discord server admins & owners have a ton of authority. I wouldn’t want to find out if @LemonadeJoe has the same amount of power :sweat_smile: least I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end

And I agree @JohnnyPotseed @Mattman , discord is fine for ppl who like it. I wish I liked it more.


I think toasty jakes is in charge of OG discord invites, unless im mistaken. I couldnt imagine him going power hungry. Lol . Edited to say OG.


Anyone can create a discord
that person then can invite anyone to join, and also boot them for any reason. Left with no recourse to voice any objection


Sorry , i meant the OG discord. I have edited my stoner commentary. :laughing:

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There’s A little chat bubble next to the word Overgrow that shows up on my phone. That’s how I knew I was able to get into the chat feature. @NDNCHILD . I’m not sure if it’s different for folks that are using a computer but that’s how it is here for me on my cell phone