Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 9)

Agreed, they seem to be much better. Finer control and all. I just don’t have the funds to replace this one (if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it) lol

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Right on … its definitely interesting for sure! If i get 1 i wont use it until i have so much weed on hand it wont matter lol

I need to learn bubblehash 1st… even that wont be until after the clone run… i wish i could speed it all up lol!

I make the Ice-hash first, then press that.

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Doesnt look like you need to… that oil oj showed me you pressed looks very nice!

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Thats what another person said too… whats the difference in that method?

It seems to get better with each run I do, still learning here lol


Outta likes buddy but they surely woulda been there



result is the difference. It’s much cleaner and tastier/potent
you can run straight buddage all day, and not get anywhere near the return as running the hash


No shit… ok then… well … ill learn bubble… and get good at that 1st…

I’ll likely get a press… but not use it for about a year… im seriously excited about this all…
The only reason it matters… is my daughter… she likes oil over weed… lol… shit! if she had my lungs… she’d be the other way around liking buds over dabs :smile:

Nothing has made me cough that hard to date…

I remember when i bought my 1st nectar collector… bought my 1st dabs… (it was dark oil from a friend) decent but harsh!! I took a HUUUUUGE friggin dab… and was out in tha yard every orafice in my face but my ears just running and dripping something… stumbing around coughing… until i threw up… lol… it kiicked the shit outta me… i learned after time not to make the nail so damn hot… but that 1st dab… holy shit bro! Wouda made tommy chong proud!


Don’t do bubble hash, do Dry ice hash. It’s cleaner, faster, better return, less work, etc all positive and no negative
We did bubble for years, then got turned onto the dry ice method… so much better!


I have not seen that method

check you tube ;lotta tutes
We started using the dry ice method and ain’t looked back lol

'Morning fellow silverbacks . Just saw this on the news . Guy goes to the ER in Destin w/ abdominal pains . Meatball surgeon decides he needs spleen removed ASAP . Gets the guy on the table & removes his liver instead , kills him . Turns out this the 2nd time on last 2 yrs this MD has removed the wrong item from his patients . The practice of medicine…

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I saw that!!! With the way things are headed… looks like its going to get worse @boatbum325… in the same way schools lowered the overall grading to help kids pass to improve “numbers” we protect these idiotic medical personnel and let them keep working because of lack of “numbers”


Good morning JP and OGs! Never tried the Dabs yet, like the flower to much lol. Do like to put of dried kief that falls off during trim and ill do alittle dinking around to make that into some hash with a warm bottle but that about it. Have a great day guys!!


Who knew all this time i coulda been making doctor money!!

Not with any integrity .

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Goodmorning @Sailorboy … i like flower best as well it seems to have a fuller effect… even though it takes longer…

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Yeah, we saw that in the news too… smh shit-sorry ass docs

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Well yeah… i could move away and find that again lmao! Just kiddin

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