Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 9)

Good morning JP and the rest of you scoundrels, hope everybody has a great weekend!!


Good morning all!


How about a little “cheer up” joke this morning.

This young feller goes into a diner. His hair is spiked about two feet tall and every color you can imagine and some you cant.
Old guy sitting at the bar drinking coffee. He sees the punk walk in and justs keeps looking at him. The punk finally says, “What the hell are you staring at, man. Havent you ever done anything stupid in your life?”
The old guy says, “Yeah!, back in the 70’s i screwed a peacock. I thought you might be my son.”

Ok. Not that good. But its early.


Animal abuse is not funny @BigMike55 !!!
Well, maybe a little in this case.


Think i should delete it? Dont want to hurt no ones feelings, y’know.

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I’d leave it. lol It’s funny. I’ve heard it before. Still funny.

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What a world. If that’s offensive, I’m sorry. It made me smile.


Good Morning OG!
Heard the phrase all my life, lol


Yep. It’s a horrible thing if an obvious joke actually offends someone.
Remember Andrew Dice Clay? I didn’t like him, his style or his jokes. But I knew they were JOKES and I could listen or not! My choice! In this world he would be crucified upside down for any of the jokes he said back when.


Good morning OG’ers, hope you all have a wonderful weekend… It’s about that time💨

Sorry outta likes, K++ to you all…


Ain’t heard anything from him in a long time, lol But he was one politically incorrect mofo for sure!


I couldn’t stand that persona that he used. I hope he wasn’t really like that in person. If so he was a dic*


I agree 100% @Oldjoints . I would have been hard pressed to keep from pasting his face if I met him in person and found out he was a legit asshole that believed what he spewed out on stage.


I agree. His persona was, as us younger guys like to say, very chode-like. Lol

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ALRIGHTY NOW!! With Rose’s big assist, I made the trip to the ‘farm-inna-barn’ for the first time in over a month! (it wore me slap TF out, too! lol :scream:) anyway… on with the show! This gal has been run ragged trying to keep up with everything going on out there in the barn, as well as tending to me, helping move, dress, wash, feed, etc. I think she has done one helluva job with everything on her plate!
The good, the bad, and the ugly…
veg room, center

veg room shelves

some of the buddage in flower room

That’s all I could grab before having to be brought back into the house, lol Thnx for stopping to take a peek, folks!


That purple bud looks nice

Thnx lol don’t ask what it is, I have no idea

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Haha I mean they all do but that’s a little black magic looking

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Dang brother! Please tell that wonderful bride of yours that an old goat roper says “Dang Rose! You’re growing the HELL out of those plants!!!”

They are looking great and you Sir are a very lucky man indeed!


I wish I lived closer to you JP. I would be there every day helping you out with whatever you needed. I grew up on a farm and I have one hell of a work ethic, on my days off I volunteer and do work for some of my elderly friends I hold close. There is some legendary things in that barn, and I feel honored to hold some of them.