Just A Quick Question Thread

Me to like to move
My plants around give them even lighting ,I have to read up on this netting witchcraft


That’s my usual method too but I like the idea of a specific thread for it. More defined and it might draw in people who have some good knowledge to share but don’t stop by the chat thread.

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Well damn!!

Wish I spoke with you when I started these sour jacks lol I was stressed to death thinking I would be flowering 12-14 weeks

More.of a sativa dominance they have

I’m thinking I may do what I’ve seen some tenured o.g.ers do and harvest the main colas and let the smaller ones mature a little longer !

Lol my quick question could have been a thread by the mumbo jumbo rephrasing 6 times the same question lol

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That was my though, to get a wider variety of knowledgeable people giving input. Not that Chatters are not knowledgeable, bet they have an opinion on anything. :wink:


A question that has come a lot from friends I’ve setup grows for is how do I get humidity up and it’s always during seedling stage. The answer is super simple but easy to miss. Turn off the exhaust fan and just run the humidifier. I had a buddy ask this yesterday and he was just dumbfounded at the simplicity of the solution.

Any high CBD growers here? I have never found a good description of when to harvest. Clear, cloudy or amber?


In my opinion it all depends on the genetics and the potential for THC levels in the genetics and what you are after from the harvest, weather it be mostly CBD or a little higher levels of THC. Some seed sellers give a little info pertaining to harvest time and THC level and others don’t.

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There are more stable CBD/hemp genetics out there now that can go full term and still stay at 30:1 or 20:1 CBD:THC ratio where others climb in THC level from flower time and/or stress level.


I have some Cherry Wine that is still clear, I want to keep the THC lower but do not want to cut it off short if it still can bulk up.

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Depending on how long it has been flowering for, may want to go with a clear to cloudy ratio instead of the usual cloudy to amber ratio. How long has it been flowering to this point?


Uh… what day is it today? Shoot, you really expect me to pay attention to things like that? No, no cloudy ones yet, or at least any great numbers. I did take down the upper parts of a Dinafem plant that was cloudy and I saw the odd amber. I was planning on doing the same with the Cherry Wine.


Gotcha, ya if it was me I would balance the flower time with the trichome maturity. I cant remember off the top of my head how the cherry wine acts (I knew like 1.5-2 years ago lol), but some of those hemp strains from that generation of genetics would max out between 1% and maybe 5% THC max when things did not go their way and made them non compliant for hemp laws, so its a bit hard to tell with some of these things when it comes to keeping the THC level down. If you are going to grow this again, you could always harvest a few parts at different trichome maturities and test them out so you know for future harvests of that strain. Take a little full clear, then some with 50%+ cloudy, then some with mostly cloudy and some amber level of your liking/testing.

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I have the tops getting more light than the buds below. Mind you, I am doing a sort of vertical grow, I have two rows of lights firing from half way and up. I do not care too much of the percentage as long as the CBD is much higher than the THC and I generally do not feel the THC.


Well then you may want to just keep it pumping till its fully mature then since the cherry wine genetics should not drift into the 1:1 ratio range.


Had some 1:1, was pleasant but I did not trust myself doing anything that I could hurt myself (cutting wood) or doing something with precision, building my guitars. I might get somewhat used to it but I would rather not.


Understandable, I usually keep the CBD ratio I intake higher than that as well.

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Not a question but rather something I came across looking up a BOG seed. I was wondering about all the different named strains and the genealogy of them. Could they be put into families? I have just took a brief peak at the site but it looks interesting.

Quick question: what are good varieties to use when trying to increase potency when breeding?

One higher that the one you have. But what if the genes line up and you get more than both? I am guessing that is how the high numbers came about.

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Well it seems obvious to use a higher THC, but if considering two varieties that had the same THC maybe one is know to dominate any crosses and would be eliminated.
I really don’t know. Are there varieties that are know to be good for breeding with when specifically trying to raise the THC of the variety being crossed to?