Just A Quick Question Thread

I thought about this, you have a seemingly simple question you need answered but you do not feel it is worth starting a thread of your own. Somewhere the wealth of talent we have here might stop in more than they would a person’s grow journal (Hey, we can not get to everybody’s thread all the time). Will there be stupid questions that should be obvious? Probably but we are not about to judge a person by their blind spots would we?

What got me to think of this? I saw the netting used to keep the branches straight up and there did not seem to be much room in the tent for a person to crawl in and trim or prune the back pots. So do you just stick a watering can in to give the girls a drink and just let the back plants do what they are going to do or do you kind of push the front pots aside and do what you can for the back plants? I am sure there will be a few different answers (always an exception to the rule) but just thinking practically.

If there is no need for a Quickie Answer Thread I have no qualms about it going to the dregs of the history pile, I have lot of ideas that, well, never went anywhere.


my 4x8 tent has doors on both sides so essentially there is no back plants.

This was my 1st time trying the netting. I had it level with the canopy at flip and well the plants stretched well above it lol


i had a 4x8 room that i built from scratch in a garage with only 1 entry door. i used 2.5 ft in the front for working and the 5.5 in back for plants. im a soil guy so i had them on a slanted raised floor covered in shower liner that angled to the front to drain to. i used a 2 ft wand attached to a fish aquarium water pump to push water out the wand to feed and collected runoff at the front. i had perma hooks around the outside to hook netting on. that was always fun…
i’ll add pics if i can find them but were talking 2013 or so…
man i really liked that room…


My 3x4 is oriented is such a way that I enter on the 3’ side (was one of those dual chamber tents). The back three are a bitch to reach for sure, no pruning cause I cant reach / let em run natural, but I got a neat trick for watering… Take a 4-5’ section of 2" PVC, feed it thru a hole in the net, work your way towards a back pot, the 2" PVC will be on about a 45, and I just pour water down the pipe to the pot. 2" is big enough ya dont need a funnel either…

I also have a 2 gallon sprayer, and while that works well, it also takes forever…


Awesome ideas here at OG

Ooh man I have a 3.5 gallon Chapin sprayer I have been using for a little while now and I LOVE it heh.


The thing I like about the sprayer, it’s slow enough most sinks in… but why hasn’t someone invented some lithium ion battery powered pump upgrade so ya don’t have to hand pump??


…that’s what she said?


They do have some electric ones, I got one from amazon and returned it because I only bought it to redeem cash back on it through another company and their was an issue with my cash back so I returned it lol. It was lover volume than I would like anyways so not a huge loss for me.

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WHEN A plant is determined sativa
And flowering time noted

Is a longer flowering sativa defined so by - the length of time the flower physically takes to grow buds and finish size development.

Or is it particular to the TRICHOME maturing.

As I have a 9-12 week flowering sour jack
.the flower iss finished any size development and just waiting on trichomes to mature.

In what scenarios are we waiting the longest of the genetic descriptions flower time???

What concludes are flowering time?

Average chop time from Median grows at common preferences?

Pretty much - I am seeing maturity in a sativa plant 1-3 weeks eary

Waiting for trichomes to develop

When they say sativas take longer to flower - is this because the maturing of trichomes takes longer?

Or the initial onset of buds and flower development is longer than others

Thanks ! Hope my question is under stood.

What is the specific meaning of a longer flowering ?


I’m not shy about popping in the chat thread if I have question that I think probably has a short answer.:sweat_smile:

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But I thought the chat thread was for chatting. :innocent:

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Typically both, but for sure the later. True sativas won’t even start setting buds until 8 weeks and will continue for another 8-12 after that.

And sometimes some plants just don’t finish. Can depend on your nutes and environment but can just be genetics too.


Best thing I can think of would be not to pack a tent real full with plants. I would need more plants…add another tent or light.

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Stupid question how do you water your plants with the net on


if u look closely you can see the pvc connecting the buckets. It all leads to another bucket outside of the tent where i can add water/nutes.



Check out the scrog method…it looks like @Neb been growing some weed…


That’s the one thing keeping me from using nets :sweat_smile: that and I like to move my plants around a bit


The bottom part of plant is trimmed a way. You would have at least 12 inches of space to water through…