Just some of OJ’s pics

Is that last pic the White Rhino I gave ya? The buddage is looking great!

I reckon all of the pics are her? The WR does get some thick ass buddage and it wouldn’t be hard for it to develop some budrot or mold with the weather we been getting

Nope that is
Maple Leaf Indica

After looking harder the mold has progressed. I cut half of one plant pretty much down getting rid of it.

It’s all good though as it’s all going to Bubblehash,
So it still should provide a good harvest for that!


Hell yeah! lol When ya get lemons… make lemonade! lol Good move brother. I ain’t thinking this morning lol Shoulda remembered you the ‘hash man’!

The White Rhino is still there but I think it’s going to be a total loss. I’ve already cut a lot of it and tossed it.

Damn! I ain’t giving thatun a like. Sorry to hear the OD plants ar giving ya so much grief, my friend.

It is to be expected, the dew here has been so heavy every morning it couldn’t be wetter if it rained for hours. It doesn’t dry out until afternoon and only if the sun comes out early. I’m surprised that all of them aren’t rotted.

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Didn’t we talk about you coming by and picking up something?
btw, did you take cuttings before putting the ones I gave ya OD?

Nope didn’t really have room for them, have more now than I can fit in my rooms, haven’t sexed the little ones yet though. Right now I have 18 of them.


You going to be wanting males?

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Naw, we got plenty of pollen, different strains. It’s all on hold for the time being as far as any more crossing/dusting getting done. Probably be awhile. We just chopped the last 5 crosses we had in bud room. haven’t even cut any more clones in a couple months.

Ok cool, just thought I would ask……

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Thnx, Appreciate ya brother!

I think I am going to take some Blue Tara pollen and hit some Bubba Kush with it. Should have some resulting seed.


Way thinga are looking here for me, it’ll be next year before we do any more breeding. I’ll list these last few crosses when I glean the beans and that’ll be it for awhile, lol

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Rose won’t bitch about that………

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lol not a bit. Especially since she’s the grower here now! Less work at this time is a good thing for her. She is a workhorse! I’m amazed at how she manages to handle everything she does here!
It like to killed me just getting out to the barn last week, with her helping me every step of the way. But I was dying to at least get out there and SEE things! lol


Say it aint so!

Goodmorning brother

Goodmorning oj

Good morning brother OJ, & all of OG!