Just some of OJ’s pics

Mornin’ Brothers.

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Good morning amigos!

How’s the garden doing OJ?

The garden is going well. The clones you gave me are now in the flower room (most but not all) and looking good. I will show them off once the buds get a bit more formed!


Good morning brother. I hope you and Rob are doing well enough today.

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We are playing video golf this fine morning……

Say howdy from me and the missus please.
I used to love those golf video games. I bought one that had a bunch of Disney characters in it but the kids weren’t into it. I played the crap out of the game though. LOL

This game is Tiger Woods 2023. Challenging game to say the least.

This was the last one I bought.

Ok so you have at least played the game. Not a lot has changed really just better graphics and more courses.

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Great game.:+1:t3:

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I would rather have Tigers funds. He is worth over a billion at this point after giving his ex wife 800,000.
Ooops he actually paid her 100 million.

Yeah. That’s hard to even imagine.

I sure wouldn’t be out chasing after a little white ball…………

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I believe that I’d buy my ultimate pickup and camper and hit every corner of the US. And I’d attend every bluegrass or marijuana festival I could get to. lol


OJ, what system are you playing that on?

PlayStation 4


I’ve been out of the loop on game systems for a long time.

I still play quite a bit……

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Obviously I have too @Tracker . That 2005 Tiger Woods was the last game I bought. PlayStation 2 is as far as I went with the systems.
I’m old.

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As far as MJ festivals, I have been to quite a few all over the country. They are not what they were 20 years ago. They have become very commercial trying to sell products. Years ago it was about living the life and the love of the plant…… sadly not anymore!