Just some of OJ’s pics

Good morning brother OJ, and all OG!Hope things are going good for you this morning!

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Good morning @Oldjoints . Here’s to a great day bro.

Sorry guys was busy this morning. Hope your day is humming right along……


Good morning brother OJ, and all OG!

That it be my friend, that it be!
Guess I’m in a pirate mood…… Aaaaargh!


If ya not too busy today, I’d like to give ya a call later this morning?

Sure, anytime bro……

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Good morning bro! Hope you guys are doing okay today.

Morning Mobilly,
Do t let those animals get your goat…… so to speak!


Eva said I can’t make that kind of joke.
I guess I better listen.

Uh huh sure……


Too funny man. lol
They do like to talk if you’ll listen.

My brother had Canadian geese. I hated those things. They would gang up on you with their necks real low and come after you and bite you. They leave a nasty little welt that turns black and blue and hurts when they bite. The only time I liked any of them was when we would butcher one and have it at dinner time…….


I never could stand those critters. Granny had some when I was a kid. My older brother got his butt whipped over kicking the crap out of one. lol
I bet he thought it was worth it.

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He also raised a few cows, they became pets and the kids would ride them. My brother didn’t have the heart to butcher them until they were so old the meat was tough. And of course the kids refused to eat their “pets” so the whole thing was a total waste of time and money for him. Plus the kids were not happy campers for him killing them.


Been there. We had two wethers (gelding goat) lined up for meat until my daughter fell in love. lol


Good morning brother OJ, and all OG!


Good morning @Oldjoints .

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Good morning guys, it’s looking like a nicer day here so far.


I wish. Still sicker than a dog.