Just some of OJ’s pics

Well aren’t you a daydream believer……


No I’m far too pessimistic.


Good morning brother OJ, & all OG!


Good morning. Aren’t they too busy singing to put anybody down? Beats me but I’d much rather have seen Jimmy Page with a couple Marshall 100 watt stacks blowing Davey and the other apes off a stage. :green_heart:

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Led Zep was awesome to see live.
But i have to say Pink Floyd p was probably my favorite concert ever. The Stones were incredible too. and Deep Purple.
I may be old, but I got to see all the greats. Not these Fake Singers and Rock Bands they have these days. Im talking about musicians that play Real music, LIVE, right in front of you. No auto tune and crap to disguise what you really sound like. Just raw talent.


Amen brother!!! Music has been raped by digital “industry ideas” and people who do NOT belong there… it’s a sad state of affairs!!

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Just imagine what Layne Staley from Alice in chains or Chris Cornell from sound garden would say…

Those dudes belonged!!! I bet they would just shake there heads in disappointment…

But let’s go further back… like cream or jefferson airplane/starship or the beatles or the doors… can’t find people that don’t belong…

Now it’s so prominent that it’s hard to find musicians that DO belong!! Drives me crazy bro

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Lmao… that’s hilarious! Goodmorning good buddy

My OD girls so far:


Mikey likey!!
Love to see outdoor plants looking that nice. You rock it. Always.

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It sure makes me wanna throw my tents and indoor shit away buddy… @Oldjoints seriously… looking great man!!! :clap:

They have just begun. They have months to go and should get fairly big before it is all over.


I’m excited to see it grow !! It’s looking extremely happy for sure! Do you ammend the ground?

Yes I amend the ground or I would have nothing. The ground I dug out is solid clay and rock.

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Oh that’s right… I remember u saying that last week…

I know the type of digging that is… it’s a bitch!!!

The last few holes weren’t as large as I would have liked and will limit their growth a tad but they will still yield just fine if I can keep the bugs away……


Digging in rock and clay , if it were me all the holes would have been too small :rofl:

It’s definitely 1 of the hardest type of ground to dig in… I know that was some hard ass work broski !! :clap:

Good morning, brother OJ, & all OG!


Been out on the tractor so here’s a late howdy! Dang it got hot out there!


Yeah it stormed here last night to the point of flooding almost