Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Blue oyster mushroom mycelium block broken up into some good ground clutter mulch and spreading fast.

Blue oyster from spore print starting to take off in coffee grounds and wood pellets. @I.am.human

Mixed imo bucket.


Afghani autos. I laid off the intense light for a bit and they are getting their green back. No nanners to be found. Also no aphids!!

Couple lights on pics.

These are stacking and chunking so nicely! We are at 3 weeks


Bored so here’s some pics of the garden.


Hey @Kasper0909 . I started those afghani autos waaay too early ( I got excited :rofl: ). Anyway, we had several cold spells after germination and the stress gave me about 3 out of 5 males. I pulled 2 males out of the ground and have them inside trying to slow their flowering so I can get some pollen.

One of the females has been topped to see if I can increase the yeild. Also, I am spraying her with colloidal silver to produce some feminized seed.
I started a few more seeds after the weather warmed up and they are kicking ass! They are already bigger than the ones I started earlier. These things grow like “weeds”. :rofl:
I pulled one of the early males and it had one large tap root but not much else , same as @RainToday has found.


Dream Blush about 2 weeks from finished.


Salivating! That looks like it’s going to be so good!

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That dream blush looks absolutely gorgeous. My fingers feel sticky just looking at it

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Your telling me! I’m so excited to harvest. They are developing such an unmistakable candied lime smell.


Ya they are very sticky. Hoping they plump up a little in the last couple weeks but it seems in 3 gal pots they only get so big. :joy: the outdoor dream Blush clones should be fun to watch also, It will be cool to see the difference.


Looking sweet! I’ve tried topping autos before but they always go straight to flower. :man_shrugging:

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Yea, this girl is already flowering. I stunted her by germinating too early so I thought I might get more feminized seeds if I topped her. These plants definately LOVE the heat. They grow really fast in the sunlight. :rainbow:

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these two Afghani autos don’t have allot of smell currently but are looking mighty impressive.

The colas are shaping up to be very large.


Neither of my afghanis have any smell really. I’m surprised really how much they lack any odor at all really. Kind of makes it ideal for my outdoor at the moment since I have strangers stopping by to buy plants from me.

The blue frankenshine and sour bluetooth I have going though. They already got some stink to them.


The Dream Blush are slowing down on the drinking, so we may be closer to harvest than I thought. Maybe a week away

Number 2 is still chugging tho so.


That’s usually a solid sign that harvest is just around the corner. Happy growing, and here’s to a bountiful harvest.


Gotta thank you for updating the dream blush grow as much as you have, it’s awesome to see those plants grow up… And it looks like they’re from some amazing seed stock too! :ok_hand:


:star_struck: trust me id be posting pictures every hour some days, I hold myself back. :rofl: of my other garden plants too, little bugs, mold, my chickens. I’m just always in awe of creation. And a photo nerd for sure! 🥸


This Blueberry Cherry Chocolate covered Diesel(Blueberry Diesel f2 x Black Cherry) from @Rhai88 x useful chocolate diesel pollen) that I only found one seed from looks to be female. But the craziest thing,. On one branch at every node there are 4 branches instead of 2 completely even.

I may clone this branch cuz that would be a freaking cool plant


That’s trippy! What is her stalk like?

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She’s normal everywhere else as far as i could tell tho I didn’t look too hard. Just checked out a couple branches to see if they were all like that. Wouldn’t that be cool if all nodes coming off that one branch were quadra linear. :rofl: I just made that up so don’t look into the words too much.

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