Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

What are the winters like? I’m guessing the temps get better by flower.

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Winters are pretty mild. I was able to grow in the greenhouse with not much added heat. We can have some pretty big hail storms any time now tho.

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Blue oyster block spawn.


Lookin like 3 Ayahuasca Purple x Sugar Belts female. Not completely positive but pretty sure. This should be prefect for the tent in 3 to 4 weeks of I can keep them from growing more… topped twice and bent over. Will get 3 more gallons of soil

This Black Velvet x pablos revenge x sugar belts is for sure female.


That strain has been turning out super good. I want to try that one next.


And the winner of the smallest flowering auto goes to… Me :joy:


The zam wasnt happy where I placed him either. Was male with little balls all over.


The shorter one is a few inches under 3ft and the tall one a few inches over. :+1: btdubs


So do they show early and continue to stretch a lot? How old and tall were they when they started showing?

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Hmm - are those pistils at the top too? So far my couple of males and the 5 someone else grew have all done pollen sacs on the bottom, pistils on the top. Girls have been fine. I’m puzzling over the genetics, and interested to see if any full males grow.

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I didn’t see any female parts on him tbh. But now that I look at the Pic I’m not sure. :joy:

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The afghani autos seem to be similar with the fruity males. Culled two of the f1s when making seeds.

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I’ll tell you what… they are very strong smelling. Stem rubs knock you down. :rofl: that male was ridiculous also.

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Yes, the afghani auto usually show much earlier than flower. Unless you see the tops starting to bunch up to boom they will continue to veg. They also usually stretch pretty good in flower if they are happy. My 3 stunted afghanis have just stayed the same size forever and never stretched an inch.
The tall one on the right stretched several inches a night. That one is a stretcher.
They are super sensitive to high led, but I have a guess that outside they will not have a problem with bright sunlight.

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The three small afghanis. Not much attention given to them as they were volunteers in the mother’s container

These were directly under mom #2.


Dream Blush 36f



#1 smells earthy fruity and very sweet with a little Citrus. #3 smells like candy lime, very limey. # 2 seems to be more mild mix of both.

I’d love to reverse 1 onto 3 or vice versa. I have clones of both so depending on the smoke that may happen somehow.


Those look excellent!


Thank you!! They smelling good too. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Man, those buds look dense and frosty!

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Thank you!! And welcome!