Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Damn, Im so pissed I waited. I ve been doing the dj short bb I kind ve lost track of other seeds I wanted to start. I started some PPD seeds and now these . I appreciate the advice . Do these have any cherry taste or smells?? Im gonna do a cherry run after the BB and GDP ONES. So many projects going so little time. I m truly impressed with your grow buddy, well done man…


Don’t think I’ve smelled any cherry . Kinda herbal lemon maybe. Cherry sounds awesome!

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A BB run? GDP? And cherry?? :flushed:🥲

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The lowest lowers on these afghanis are the real story. The lowest lower branches skyrocketed up but with nodes all the way to the top instead of huge spaces where it stretched like the upper lowers. And, the lowest lower branches have a lowest lower that skyrockets up. In the case of the right lowest lower, it’s lowest lower skyrocketed past the lowest lower on the right plants lowest lower. Crazy but that’s the only way you’ll understand what your looking at. The lowest lowers are the dark green ones with their lowest lowers dark green also. Like the lowers are sucking all the food to get tall and dense.

There also seems to be a 3rd branch down there.


Those look soooo good!

My male did the same thing, the lowest lowers sprouted and went nuts, I had 8 I think, and they were all well above half the height of the main stalk.

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Ya what a crazy plant. The other is similar on the lowers but one is normal and 1 has a double top. But they are super thick and dark green compared to the other branches.

This plants buds are much more dense than the right one


That double bud is wild! And so dark, crazy

The other plant :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:. Nice buds! I can’t wait for my current grow to be over so I can pop some more :grin:

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Huge mephisto autos!! But they smell so good. :rofl:


Tested # 2 last night after just a couple days of dry. The smell coming off these is so so good. The flavor is so so good. By far the best ive personally grown and maybe ever tried. I’ll have to revisit them but the flavor on 2 has a berry pine or something similar up front with a long after taste. You literally feel like a pine tree for a little bit after smoking has a very good earthy after taste. There is definately Blueberry somewhere in those, I got a huge wave of it from something in this box. Maybe mixed together.

I’ll be 100% keeping these around continually. Maybe reverse one right away.


Yes please

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Just ordered a cheap little 7 site bubble cloner. Man I wist we could send buds like in Canada.


I knew I shouldn’t take my phone outside :joy:
Afghani autos.


Is that the Dream Blush?

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No the afghani autos. I’ll probably start sending out more of these seeds, I should have stamps again any day. :+1:


The #2 that you tested last night?


I think @Jpaul was asking about the pic with harvested flower. That is Dream Blush I think.


Ah yes sorry that was number 2. :joy:
Dream Blush


Thank you @Tracker that’s exactly what I meant. None of us are stoned though…:rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’ve been paying attention to the Dream Blush posts


:joy: seriously I actually just tried # 1 :joy: