Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Anyone know how long plants will veg from seedling when grown under 12/12. In other words how long do I have till I have to get my small plants outta a flowering tent before they start flowering?

Close ups on the Odisha. Seeded side

Six weeks of flower


I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure anytime in 12and12 will send them into flower that odisha is looking good

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Commonly, I’ve heard, plants will grow for 3 weeks in veg (from seed) even under 12/12.
No guarantee of how they’ll respond when you switch it to a longer day.

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Ok thanks guys had to get the little ones under longer light. The tent won’t be ready for a couple more weeks to a month

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I just had the opposite issue: a landrace strain went crazy during its first week in veg, so I had to set up a separate tent to flip that one plant to a flower cycle! :crazy_face::upside_down_face::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Soil volume plays a role, the more space the roots have, the longer they’ll wait to flower.


Ya I’m just getting ready to transplant too. Currently they are still in solos. I think it’s been about 3 weeks

The sooner you transplant them the better then, if you want more time. :+1:

Can you put them outside the tent during dark cycle?
Pointing a desk lamp at them or leaving the ceiling light on will keep them vegging too.

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I concur: Accurate


Ya I just took the Odisha out of the greenhouse and have the lights lower to not shine the yard.

Up potting currently. BBD AND DREAM 6

Good idea on small lights just to keep them vegging.

BBD front row @Rhai88
Dream 6 back row @Tracker


Side by side. I believe the Odisha on the left is female also.


The shape of the leaves on 2nd from right on Dream6 looks just like the BD plant that made the beans.

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Looks like very sharp skinny leaves.

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Lotsa tobacco seeds ready. I’ll be plucking those pods soon.


What’s the type of tobacco you got there?


Honestly no idea. It was listed as various pipe tobacco seeds haha.


Lol! I though maybe it was Bodhi’s tobacco seeds that he shared out a while back.
I’ve got a packet of punche tobacco seeds that I haven’t grown out… supposed to be gnarly, old school tobacco, so it may just be a decoy crop

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Really? Bodhi tobacco? Sounds great haha!

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Yeah, I had read about it last year, and everybody was a little confused if I recall. :crazy_face::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Garden is looking great; it’s envy inducing.

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