Keep going or harvest ??

Hey all, a little update on my mite situation. One of my plants has gotten worse and worse and almost every single fan leaf has turned crispy and fallen off. I’ve sprayed it 3 times with @JohnnyPotseed recipe. Today I saw another live mite after days of none… My question is - do I spray it again and have it die fully or do I harvest it now. My other plant is doing ok, no mites and very healthy. the only thing is that one of the branches folded in on itself because the buds at the top were too heavy i guess , so i got some plant clips and secured it to my fan to hold it up. With all the setbacks I have I am well past my grow guide harvest time so I was hoping to get some advice on how to proceed. Thanks !

A post was merged into an existing topic: Sad plant update- Pests in flowering !