Nearing the end of flowering as a first time grower and I am not sure if some things are normal

Long post! sorry in advance lol

Basic grow info——> 4x4 grow tent, fox farms ocean forest soil, in flowering for about 5 weeks now. I’m feeding with flower fuel bloom booster now once a week while watering. Ph was 6.3 as of today. Relative humidity is 42% and temp is at 76 (it’s been so hot where i live I cannot get the temp down any lower at the moment but i think it might be contributing to some of my problems)
I also water with berke filtered water and i add fresh lime juice until the PH is correct
lights are kind of janky but i haven’t been able to save up for new ones yet. They’re Vivosun VS1000 LED light and Cokolila 600W LED light.

Ok now onto the problem. I am honestly not sure how I have made it this far into

my grow, there have been many obstacles that should’ve ended it. We had a power outage in my city that lasted a week in 100 degree weather and I had no idea what to do with my plants so I ended up taking them on my screened in porch so they would still get light and then i lit a ton of candles once it got dark. I had to set an alarm for 2 am to blow out all the candles lol so they would still get 16 hours of light bc i wasn’t ready to flower them yet. anyways rhen i put them in my car and drove them to another outdoor location for the remainder of the week. not ideal. then we our AC in our home brwak for another week in which a similar event happened but I moved them to my bathtub for a week (?). Also I was in the hospital for a few weeks and my dad watered them with an old watering can filled with lord knows what water that had been sitting for weeks. also I went back to the hospital for a few days a month or so ago and they weren’t fed or watered for days. All of that being said, I am going to insert some pictures of my two plants and hopefully you can tell me what’s wrong with them, if anything. The fan leaves are yellowing and some of them have turned brown and fallen off. I think it might be from the heat but the bud sites are beautiful and the milky white trichomes have started turing amber and the leaves are getting crystally and resiny (?) Not sure about terminology as is it my very grow and I admit I have not done a good job, but I would love to have a nice harvest and yield so any help would be appreciated. I also have way too many clones that I took that would love to have new homes because I am not a good plant mommy right now lmao. Idk how that works but i saw a thread where someone was giving away clones. anyways, here are the pictures taken today. thanks to anyone who made it this far, you are a real one.


a real one what? just kidding. they look fine to me, a little low on the yield but from the story lucky to have anything at all. candles. lol. great job. enjoy that smoke when you get it.


Haha thank you. How much longer should I let it flower do you think??

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i have no idea. until the trichromes are about 1./4 to 1/2 amber. you’re welcome.

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I would say those have weeks to go yet.


they do look about the size of some outdoor ones i saw here that need to go until end of september at the earliest.

ok, thanks again for the response

ok, that’s kind of what I was thinking too. Maybe by late September it’ll be ready

When you look closer I can’t help but think weeks. Sorry @Cannabel.


you’re welcome, but @DougDawson is the man to listen to in this area. i am way out of practice and am mere babe compared to most of these folks. here to learn and help overgrow the world…


Ok that’s good to know, not bad news at all. I super appreciate all your help


I will say that for a first grow they look quite nice. To get this far is a big accomplishment so good work on that. Those buds will bulk up quite a bit for you yet.


I dont know much about how this site works but I do know that I have a lot to learn! And I am so grateful you nice people take time out if your day to help a stranger with their problems. Very very awesome


Yeah that looks like week 4 or 5 maybe. Likely still have at least another month to go.


Thanks man, that means a lot. I feel like it’s taken a million years but i’m glad they’re still alive and i’m excited to see how it goes.


Yeah, growing is a long game and it always pays to wait for a proper finish. It’s always rewarded in what you end up with. It’s great to see a new grower, welcome to OG. I see you have been here a while so it’s great to see you post your grow. We love to see folks grows, especially a new gardener. That’s truly a beautiful thing. While it’s true that you got a lot to learn, so do I, so do we all. If you’re here on OG, we can learn it together. :v:


I think I see pest pressure on some of the fans. Did you find any webbing?


Wow. That is quite a story. I agree with @DougDawson and @HolyAngel. They have some time left on them. Obviously, they have been about as stressed as plants can get, but you’re not dead in the water (so to speak). 76° (I’m assuming Fahrenheit) is not too high a temperature at all. If you can keep them there the rest of the grow, you’re good. You have some white spots on the leaves that I’m not familiar with, maybe someone else can help out here, but they don’t look too nutrient deficient:


I was wondering about that but it also looks like they are spraying something on them :thinking:


@Cannabel Just by the looks of them I’d say around 3 weeks or so.
I’d imagine those buds should be bulking up fairly soon if they’ve got food/correct ph. But they do look good for
a first grow, they should finish nicely for you!

Also, be careful with electric at the bottom of your tent, don’t wanna get electrocuted if there’s a spill.