Keeping Chickens and their benefits to the garden

Ducks have different requirements in terms of water needs and living quarters but there eggs are great for baking.


@Hellablaked IMO ducks r way messier and need clean water alot ā€¦almost right after you give it to them haha ā€¦but our khaki cambell hasnā€™t missed a beat laying an egg since she reached five months ā€¦half acre can hold a lot of chickens .!
Dual purpose chickens r what you might wanna look Into !
Goats r good for maintaining overgrowth ! Thatā€™s about it unless you want them for meat or milkā€¦or like me one goat turns Into three pet goats lol ā€¦rabbits we have been talking about getting someā€¦always rabbits above chickens when housing them ā€¦I told her everything we get from here on out has to serve a purpose


@Rabeats2093 oh bro let me know how that goes. Thatā€™s a good chuckle this morning for me. I canā€™t blame it all on her cause Iā€™m just as bad. There are freaking deer that as soon as I feed the ducks they run into the coop and eat the damn duck food. Think Iā€™d shoot em? Nope. Maybe 20 years ago but i got soft. Haha.
Life is good. Good luck friend.


Some call it wishfull thinking :rofl:
I feel the soft spot forming haha
To you as well bro


Lol. I used to shoot the red squirrels that outcompete our birds for food at times. Now I name them and give them peanuts.